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YL/N - Your Last Name

Y/N - Your Name

H/C - Hair Color

F/C - Fav Color

SF/C - Second Fav Color

F/ N - Fav Animal

F/G - Fav gem

H/L - Hair Length

~Shall be updated as goes on!~

Garroth's P.O.V

I walked up to Y/N blushing "h-hey" i said she turned around her F/C cape spinning as she did so. I sighed "Y/N, I need to ask you something" "That is...?" "U-Um.." "Blondie spit it out!" she said smiling "Will you go on a date with me..?" I asked my whole face must be red by this point "Sure" Y/N Said smiling "what time..?" she asked smiling "after my post" i said before she left i could't help myself..

I-I kissed her..



G-Garroth kissed me I was scared to do anything at first because this isn't like Blondie! but..I kissed back..After that he let me go i walked off like it wasn't anything but really i was going crazy inside. I Walked to Aphmau who pushed me into Cadenza's house who then Forced me into a changing room

The dress.. it was a light F/C color. (That's your dress, lel)

i stepped out with the dress on and my Armor and Aphmau took it "hm..now shoes and you're done!" aphmau said and Cadenza handing me high heals and I just stood there holding them

"I..don't know how to walk in them.." I said Cadenza gasped as Aphmau faceplamed. after about a hour and a half I finally knew how to walk in the monsters and walked home in my boots. once I got home I put my Bracelet in a box and hid it under my bed.

Once I did that and put the heals on and a knock on the door was heard so I went to open it to see blondie "are you ready?" he asked "Yep" I replied.




So I'm gonna go start working on the first part of the date!

Old Guard New Feelings ~Garroth x Reader~ (COMPLETED) -Book: 1-Where stories live. Discover now