"I don't know, but I am obsessed with the lace material." An exhausted sigh escaped my lips. "I feel like I'm not going to find the one. I can't pinpoint what looks elegant on me or even what looks beyond stupid on me."

Maria's pair of glasses which balanced on the bridge of her nose lifted up to the top of her head and pulled back her long locks out of her face. I couldn't help but think I was annoying her greatly by my indecisiveness.

"I have seen many brides with the same hopeless look thinking they will never find the perfect dress or they will pick the wrong one. But we will find one that has your name written all over it, even if it takes all week. This isn't a sprint, my dear. I may have a few more dresses in my van so take a small breather, have some champagne or whatever you girls like these days and I'll be right back." She pats my shoulder before swiftly making an exit.

I decided to take her advice and open the nearest alcoholic drinks I had obtained: a bottle of champagne I had brought up earlier this morning. It wasn't anything special, but since none of my friends was available to help me with this impossible choice, the least I could do is indulge in some cheap booze to uplift my spirit.

My grasp was tightening so I wouldn't drop the bottle. I aimed it away from anything breakable just as a simple precaution. As I took the bottle and had it ready to open, I realised one important detail about this bottle of champagne which I didn't think of. I've never managed to get a damn cork out.

I grunted as I tried to twist and pull the thing out but nothing seemed to work. No hard attempt seemed to be working. I looked around the room, trying to find anything with assistance. Grabbing a small piece of cloth or some kind of handkerchief which was placed in a draw, I tried to attempt more but it didn't even budge at all. I was just tempted to throw the thing out the window when a few minutes had passed and my mission was unsuccessful.

I angrily slammed the bottle on the desk and leaned against the wooden piece, so full of annoyance, so full of tiredness. I was defeated by a champagne bottle. My fuse was definitely too short.

"Do you need a hand to open that?" Justin's voice peered through as he opened the door fully. He maintained a devilish smile while he stepped closer.

Great, he must have seen me make an ass of myself.

He walks in, revealing himself in his usual work attire, perfectly fitted, perfectly defining his muscular build. I loved the maroon shirt he wore, purely because it was my favourite colour. He really didn't appreciate the simplest of colours of designs, something I've observed about him. I liked his eccentric style, it was refreshing. He suited the maroon colour like it was made just for him. His blonde hair wasn't his usual style though, it wasn't all gelled back, some strands hung towards the side. It was a good different though.

"No, thank you," I say. My cheeks were flushing from the embarrassment of even asking him to open the bottle. I ran my fingers through my hair so it would fall casually to hide their crimson colour.

I just couldn't get my head around the mechanics of the cork for some reason.

Justin clearly didn't hear or he made the decision to ignore my falsified objection as he took the bottle in his grasp and popped the cork out in literal seconds, the loud bang making my heart pump out of my chest. The champagne didn't even froth everywhere, it remained within its glass home. I smiled at him as I grabbed two glasses, one which was supposed to be for Maria and he began to fill them both up.

"Thank you," I say extending the bubbling glass. He wasn't sure at first whether to take it, but his hand shakily holds the glass and he sits beside me. "Did you watch me struggle with the bottle or just coincidently walked in on cue?" I ask.

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