Chapter 40: Love Or Basketball

Start from the beginning

Chase: here

He handed me the note and nervously I opened it and read it

Me: it says

Hey little NyeNye, if your reading this note your sexy

little boyfriend is already tied to a train track

behind airport road.

If you wanna him back I guess your gonna have to

choose between Love and Basketball?

Choose quick honey, times ticking

Love~ Your little friends


Nia: so what are you gonna do?

Nyesha: I don't know, saving Dustin would be the right thing but all those scouts are gonna be out there and this is the day you wanna impress them

Chase: you need to choose quick because the basketball game starts in 10 minutes and the next time the train runs is in 10..... minutes so there is no way you can make both

Rèquan: how much you bet they planned it like this?

Janice: I'm with Réquan it can't be a coincidence

Nia: so Nye what are you gonna do?

Nye: I'm gonna...............


THE END. Hey guys unfortunately that is the last Chapter. I can't believe that only a few months ago I started this book and its done. I just wanna thank everyone who supported me throughout this book and thank all my f---

nah I'm just playin. Comment if you thought the book was really done


Nye: I'm going to save Dustin, fuck them I already made it into UCLA

Chase: for a minute I thought you were gonna leave him

Nye: nah, so I'll see you guys later

Janice: im coming with you

Nia: me too

Diamond: y'all best believe I'm coming, some of the bitches are waaaaasy due for an ass whopping

Nye: its okay yall

Janice: were not taking no for an answer what if they try to get you. Hell no it anit happenin

Me: fine,

Diamond: well come on we gotta save your boo boo


We pulled up to the train track and Chyna, Mary and Allison are standing there.

Nia: these bitches are crazy

Diamond: oh I gotta thing for Chyna alright

Me: come on

We hopped out the car and Nia and Janice went to go untie Dustin while we snuck up behind em

Mary: where is she?

Chyna: oh she'll be here and she's gonna bring her two dumbass friends with her

As soon as those words came out her mouth Diamond charged at her

Diamond: Bitch (Punch) Who (Kick) The (Slap) Fuck (Kick) You (Slap) Calling (Punch) A (Kick) DUMBASS (Punch)


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