Chapter 12: Math. Theater. And Manditory Counceling

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I followed Emma back up the stairs so I could change and use the bathroom as I had planned. Once I got in the bathroom I locked the door out of habit. I pulled my top off over my head revealing the bruise that hadn't healed much more. As bulky and weird as the cast was it hadn't gotten in the way too much. In fact, things had gone pretty well up until I brushed me teeth. Let's just say tooth paste was everywhere. After cleaning up the mess I had made I just stared at myself in the mirror. Just three days ago I was having fun with Gavin. Now I'm here. In a matter of three days I became an orphan.

Yells coming from one of the rooms snapped me out of my daze. I grabbed my stuff, unlocked the door, and got back to the room. I walked in and shut the door to muffle the sound of the arguing girls. I walked over to my bed and saw Gracie curled up asleep on her dolls. There was enough room for me to squeeze in beside her so I did. I was quite uncomfortable, but it was okay. Something about that girl made me feel a little better. Before I knew it I was asleep.

The next morning Reece woke me up by shaking my shoulder. "Hav, it's time to get ready." She said gently patting my arm. I started to sit up when I realized Gracie was laying on me. I had to slowly gently pull my leg out not to wake her up. I escaped and Reece picked out what we should wear to meet the new students and our principal. We got ready together in the bathroom. She helped me brush my teeth which turned out to be just as messy as when I did it myself. Although, I was making it difficult for her by trying to sing with a mouth full of tooth paste. But we got it done.

We left the bathroom to put our shoes on in our room. "Have you checked your messages yet? My phones been blowing up. The only people I've talked to are Bernadette and Gavin." She said that making me realize that I never checked my phone. I grabbed my phone out of my bag. I clicked the home button and Reece was right, our phones had both been blown up by messages. As I started to walk away I knocked over the gift bag Bernadette had given me. "Do you want to open these before we go?" I asked her suddenly feeling curious. "Yeah I've been waiting on you to open yours." She responded. I quickly picked up the bag and reached inside. I pulled out a stuffed bear, a cute bracelet with volleyballs on it, and a beautiful little box that said "From Gavin, Happy Birthday" on it. Evidently he decided to give me my gift early. I opened the box to see a gorgeous locket with blue sapphires on it. Inside the locket on one side was a picture of us as kids eating an ice cream, and on the other side was a picture of him giving me a piggy back ride. That picture had been taken just a few weeks ago.

Reece put my locket and bracelet on me. I grabbed my phone, and headed downstairs with Reece. We got to the bottom of the stairs to find everyone else eating breakfast, besides Gracie who was still fast asleep on my bed. "Good morning girls. Ready for the new school?" Chelsea asked. "Yes ma'am." Reece responded quietly. "You girls want something to eat before we go? Chelsea made pancakes?" Kevin added in looking at me. "Umm.. no thank you." I said even though I really did want to eat some pancakes. "Well, Emma, Layla, and Ollie usually drop Savannah off at her school on their way but since I have to go in for the twins meeting I'll just drive you all. So we're going to have to leave a little earlier than usual." Chelsea announced to all of us. "Can we sit outside on the porch until your ready to go?" Reece asked. "Sure just stay in front of the window where I can see you." She answered.

Reece and I went out on the porch and pulled out her phone. "I'm gonna call Bernadette before we go."she stated. "Oh okay. I'll call Gavin." I said. We both dialed the numbers on our phones. Bernadette picked up but Gavin didn't so Reece put her phone on speaker. We thanked Bernadette for the gifts and told her how things were going. She also said Gavin was in the shower. But evidently Shelby hadn't left her room since we left. She was refusing to go to school, not eating, wouldn't talk to anyone, and just laid in her bed all day. Chelsea came out while we were talking so we said our goodbyes to Bernadette.  "Well girls I miss judged, we are not all going to fit in my car so we're goin to have to use the van." She said walking down the driveway and opening the garage. The doors slowly opened to reveal a huge gray minivan. One of the ugliest cars ever made.

We all piled into the van one at a time. Reece and I got in the very back. Savannah, Layla, and Ollie were in the middle, and Emma was up front with Chelsea. Ollie and Layla bickered the entire way about what we should listen to on the radio. Chelsea spent the whole time unsuccessfully trying to defuse the argument. We dropped Savannah off at the middle school and she got out as fast as she possibly could. I don't blame her. I wanted out too. The arguing finally stopped once we got to the high school. Emma got out first and said goodbye to all of us before she left. Her blond ponytail bounced as she walked away. However, Ollie and Layla were so busy arguing they didn't have enough breath to tell us goodbye. The two girls walked away shouting at each other.

"Those two girls never stop. They've argued since day one. But if you ask me, I think they actually do like each other but are don't know how to have a friendly connection with someone." Chelsea said while locking up the van. With that she walked towards the schools main entrance. We followed her through the two big glass doors and into the office. There was a lady at a desk. "Hello Mrs. -" Chelsea started to say before the lady handed her a clipboard with a sign in sheet. She turned back around to us. "Lovely lady, isn't she?" Chelsea said sarcastically. After Chelsea signed her name she handed it to me so I could sign. I wrote down the name 'Pam Beesly' and passed the board to Reece. She burst out laughing and Chelsea gave us a concerned look. "Haven. What did you do?" She said nervously as she took the board from Reece. "Really? Pam Beesly?" She asked trying to hold back a laugh. She handed the board back to Reece to sign.

After about ten minutes of waiting outside her office the principal finally let us in. There were only two chairs so I told Reece to sit down. As soon as she sat down I tried to sit on her lap, but she shoved me off and laughed. "Ah I see we have a joker." The lady behind the desk said with a smile. "Sorry ma'am." I said trying to make up for the joke. "No no, your fine. Nothing wrong with jokes." She responded with. A moment went by where no one said anything. "Okay, lets get started. I'm Mrs.Finnagain, everyone calls me Mrs.Finn. And you two are Haven and Reece, right?" She asked. "Yes ma'am." Reece answered quickly. "I've heard a lot about you two." She said making me feel suddenly guilty. "I didn't start any of the fights." I blurted out before I could think it through. "I know. It's all explained right here in your records." She said holding up two binders. The feeling of guilt quickly turned to embarrassment.

We sat through the meeting and she explained all the school rules and regulations. I of coarse didn't listen to anything she said, but Reece as always payed close attention. "Are you two ready for your classes?" She said standing up. "Yes ma'am." Reece answered as she stood up. We said goodbye to Chelsea as she signed out and we followed Mrs.Finn down the hallway. She stopped at a room with the words 'supply room' written on it. The door make a loud thud as she unlocked it with her keys. Inside we're all the school supplies any student could ever need. "Grab whatever you need. There's backpacks in a tote behind you." She said. Reece opened up a tote and handed me a light pink backpack. She looked through the tub but there wasn't a purple one, so she ended up getting the same color pink as me. Neither of us minded. One of the fun things about being twins is matching. We each grabbed four notebooks, a binder, a package of pens, and a package of pencils.

After we zipped up our backpacks Mrs.Finn walked us to the history room. She handed us our schedules as she knocked on the door. "Come in!" The teacher yelled from behind the door. Mrs.Finn opened the door and we walked in. "These our your new students, Mr.Kyle." She said closing the door as she left. "Ladies, welcome to Lincoln High." He said shaking our hands. "Okay students, these young ladies are Haven and Reece. They are new to the school so let's make them feel welcome. Ladies you can take your seats over there." He said pointing to the empty seats. Reece sat down in a desk in the third row, and I sat in the seat behind her. I slumped in my chair and opened the paper Mrs.Finn had given me.

First period: English 9
Second Period: Algebra 1
Third Period: Biology
Fourth Period: Civics
Fifth Period: Mr. Devins Counseling office (Mandatory Therapy)
Sixth Period: Theater: Acting
Seventh Period: Theater: Stage Management
Eighth Period: Free Period

Math. Theater. And mandatory therapy.

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