⊿9|| half naked encounters and hangings

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"Bellamy, I need to talk to you." The pair ignored her statement and continued making out on the bed. She rolled her eyes and sat down on one of the stools Bellamy had. "Okay I'll wait, I'm guessing this won't take long. About 5 minutes, right Bellamy?"

A groan of frustration left Bellamy as he lifted his lips off of the girl's. "Do you mind leaving? Or do you wanna join us, Cupcake." Bellamy said, a smirk on his face as Jessica played with the two wedding bands attached to a sliver chain on her neck.

"Bellamy, the only way I would have sex with you is if you were the last man in space." Jessica said rolling her eyes once again. The girl underneath Bellamy instantly tried to hide once she realized who Bellamy was talking to.

"B- Bellamy, I'm uh gonna leave now." The girl said quickly as she grabbed her top from the floor and slid it on.

"Yeah you do that." Jessica said with a smile on her face, watching as the girl's face turned redder with every second.

"We'll finish this later."

"No you won't." Jessica replied to Bellamy, glaring at him as he covered his toned body. She quickly pulled the glare off her face as she turned to the criminal, a sickly sweet look on her face. "Right, Melanie? We don't want a repeat of last time, now do we?"

Tears began to sprout from Melanie's eyes as she quickly grabbed her jacket and dashed out of the tent, Jessica laughing loudly from behind her.

"Did y- did you just make her cry?" Bellamy asked staring at the brunette with a confused look as she got up from the stool and sat on his bed.

"Yup." Jessica said, popping the p. She ran a hand through her hair before laying down on the bed. "Oh yeah, I gotta talk to you."

"What do you want, Cupcake?" Bellamy said, laughing slightly as he watched her throw blankets over her body.

"I need a tent. And, well this is one is the biggest one with the most blankets."

"And you're in my tent because?" Bellamy said as he walked to the other side of the tent, picking up his jacket and putting it on.

"Because this is now my tent too." Jessica said, eyes close and voice muffled from how deep she was inside the blankets and pillows.

"No. No it's not." Bellamy said slightly angered as he turned and walked back over to the bed. "Cupcake, you can't-"

Bellamy was interrupted by a light snoring coming from the brunette. He sighed and dragged a hand down his face.

Bellamy looked at her, I mean really looked at her. He knew she was undoubtedly beautiful but he never realized how innocent she looked. She was like a turtle, he thought. She had to rise from thousand of grains of pain and cross a very dangerous path to reach the deep grand ocean, where nothing was as it seemed.

He knew all this within the seconds he looked at her. The few encounters they had before we close to his heart. She was close to his heart, and none of them knew it.

"Bellamy!" Clarke yelled as she ran into his tent. He immediately shushed her as Jessica began to move in her sleep.

Once she stopped, Bellamy quickly pushed Clarke outside so that they could talk without waking Jessica.

Resistance// b.blake [DISCONTINUED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz