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What will you sacrifice to protect the ones you love?
And how will you live with that shame?


Carlisle and Emse flit about the house like two birds, concern pulling their usually flawless faces down into somber and confused frowns. Edward stays next to me, watching them move, reading their thoughts. I want to know what he hears, but every time I ask, he waves me away, his fingers silencing me. Meanwhile, I sit and stew about Jacob and Renesmée. They left early this morning again, to train the pack again. It's a good thing, too, considering what's coming. Hopefully, under his training, they'll be able to hold their own against the Volturi. I don't want to send them to their deaths, but I don't exactly have a choice.

Suddenly, Edward grabs my hand, and pulls me towards the door. I follow him silently, watching his face with concern. As soon as we step outside into the chilly air, he turns to face me.

"Jacob and Renesmée are fine. But there's been a development. The Romanians are coming here."

"What? When?"

"Tomorrow, just after noon. They're bringing the original six, including Anastasia."

"They're bringing lady medusa herself here?"

"I need you to think up a reason for Jake and Renesmée to go away that morning, and not come back until they're gone."

"Okay," I panic, "I can do that."

"You can," he reassures me, planting a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"Hey," a familiar voice calls from the trail.

"Jake," I breathe, rushing over to hug him. "Where's Nessie?"

"I took he to your house, she should be in bed now."

"Good," I sigh. "What's up then?"

"It's Dahlia. She's... Made an interesting decision in her love life."

"What do you mean?"

"You can't be serious," Edward laughs, having already read Jacob's thoughts.

"She's a lesbian," Jacob explains, "and she imprinted on Faith."

"On a vampire? I didn't think that was possible."

"Neither did I. Also, she's a girl... Girls can't imprint," he sputters.

"Apparently they can," Edward snorts.

"Okay, well, I have to be supportive, and so do you. This can be confusing for people."

"I don't think it's very confusing for us," Jake smirks. "Once you've found her, you know, you know?"

Edward nods, like he understands, and I smile at him.

"I suppose."

Jake nods, still grinning, and takes off towards his cabin. Edward takes my hand, and leads me towards ours.

"You know," he says, his lips pulled back into that captivating crooked smile again, "I think, if I were a wolf, I would have imprinted on you the moment you walked through the door in science class all those years ago."

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