Jace sat on a metal bench. He looked awful, but I've seen worse.

When he saw me he tensed and stood up. All signs of weakness vanished.

"Luke's with her" he said answering my first question. I vaguely remember Clary mentioning her dad's name was Luke.

"Where is she?" I asked my heart still beating fast.

Jace looked to his left and I followed his gaze. Through the window of the door I could see Luke sat beside Clary's bed. I looked at Clary. So weak, so fragile. Her hair had been visibly cut for surgery but This was my fault and I knew it. Her eyes were closed and she was hooked up to a number of machines.

"The doctors said surgery went well they just need to stop the bleeding. It was only a hairline fracture to the skull. She should recover ok."

"What happened?" I said tearing my eyes of Clary to look at Jace.

Jace explained and I tried my hardest to stay quiet.

"That club is a weird place. I have no idea why Clary was even near it " Jace said as if conjuring possibilities in his mind.

"Weird how?" I asked puzzeled.

Jaces eyes went dark as if remembering a bad memory. He was just about to speak when the door opened.

"Hey guys mind watching Clary for a while? I need coffee"

"Sure" Jace said immediately walking towards the door.

I quickly nodded to Luke as a way of acknowledgement and he gave me an apologetic look. As I passed him to walk into the room he caught my arm.

"She'll be fine" he said I could see the pain in his eyes. The eyes of a man who knew grief and sadness.

"I know" I said but even I had trouble believing my own words.

Luke gave me a small smile and began to walk away but there was something I needed to know first.

"Hey Luke?" I said forming a sentence in my head.

"Yeah?" he said with an eyebrow raised a concerned expression crossing his face.

"Are you ok...with Clary coming to homecoming with me?"

His face softened and he looked into Clary's room. I followed his gaze to Clary and Jace sitting by her bed her hand between his. She was awake and seemed to be talking.

"As long as she's happy I'm happy" he said never taking his eyes off her. He gave me a quick pat on the back and walked away.

I entered the room and when I did Jace immediately stood up and stepped back for me to take his place. There was a hard expression on his face.

"Hey" I said softly taking a seat the other side of Clary and gesturing for Jace to sit.

"Hey" Clary croaked out. My heart broke at that minute at the sound of her voice.

"How do you feel" I said taking her hand.

"Like I was hit with a bus" she said with a broken smile. I didn't know an expression could make me feel so much physical pain. I looked into her green eyes and noticed that some of the light had left them. It was at that moment I wanted to do some things to the guy who hurt her that were so sycotic I could never tell anyone or they would immediately put me in a mental institution.

Jace coughed and while Clary wasn't looking jerked his head towards the door.

"Clary will you be ok for a second by yourself" I asked.

A worried expression crossed her face.

"We'll only be a minute, we'll be right outside" Jace said giving her hand a squeeze. I could feel the sycotic thoughts resurfacing.

"Ok" she said giving Jace a smile and then me. Was it bad I was jealous she looked at him first?

We both stood up and I followed Jace out the door.

"She doesn't remember" Jace said turning to face me after I closed 5he door to Clary's room.

"Wait what do you mean?" I asked in confussion.

"I mean she doesn't remember what happened" he said with his fists clenched.

"And what exactly did happen?" I asked. He never actually told me that.

"You might want to sit down for this" Jace said taking a seat on the bench.

Jace told me the story and by the end of it my fingers were digging so deep into my palms they almost drew blood.

"And there's something else" Jace said scratching his head as if unsure.

"What?" I asked impatiently. I was pissed not at Jace, I owe him big-time, but at the guy who hurt Clary and it wasn't helping my patience.

"I don't know will you believe me...hell I don't know do I even believe myself" he said in a low tone.

Little did he know...

"The guy that....hurt her...his eyes....I could have sworn turned....black"


"Look I know I'm probably being paranoid but I said I'd be totally honest with you" he said looking slightly embarrassed.

"Ok" is all I could make out. I was planning how many ways those evil sons of bitches.

"What's the name of that club again?" I asked anger bubbling inside of me.

"Pandemonium....Dean don't do it I've been there those guys aren't to be messed with" Jace warned.

"Ya well" I said standing up " they haven't met Dean Winchester.

Sorry it took so long have a lot of school work since Christmas. Also started watching sypernatural again and im on season 9 whicb my friend gas told me is big. I also might be starting a Tom Holland x reader so let me know if you guys are interested and if I should continue with my other story I know you.
Thanks for reading and don't forget to LIKE and COMMENT.
Niamh x

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