who's a milky piggy? me, me, me

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ensommeille                               12-19-17; 7:13 pm
okay but like none of you have any idea how much i love kailee like she's so amazing and sweet and she makes me so happy. she's literally the sweetest person i know and i'm so glad that we met (: i hope that i never lose her cause asdbskskdkskahdksnakdofksnd i love her so ducking (yes ducking cause this is a christian server, you thot) much and i'm annoying but she's always there for me and she always cheers me up svdhwkfkdldjskskwl i love her so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so much. she makes me so happy and like idk how it's even possible to be as happy as she makes me.

kailee, i hope that you know that you're literally the most amazing person ever and i love you with all my heart, bubby<3

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