Chapter Seven: The Private Sessions Part Two

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(Oragin Falervee's (Head Gamemaker) P.O.V)
My fellow gamemakers turn and grin at me, signalling that they are ready for the private sessions to start. Hopefully, these twelve tributes will be just as exciting as the first twelve. I speak into the microphone "Jeanne Vigil, District Seven". A tall girl walks in, and looks blankly at me. I smile back. "Hello Jeanne, you may start".
Jeanne walked stoically up to the section with bows and arrows. She turns and looks at us. "May I please request the use of an avox for my demonstration?" she requests, her voiced was dripped with a rich accent.

I send out an avox, and he shuffles nervously towards Jeanne. She hands him a target for him to hold, and he takes it, and holds out near her chest. Jeanne then walks back twenty or so paces, and then blindfolds herself. My companions start murmuring to each other excitedly. Jeanne, still blindfolded, prepares her bow, and then fires an arrow. The arrow soars through the air, and then lands on the edge of the bullseye of the target the boy is holding. We all burst into a large applause, and she look back at us, blankly, "You can now go," I tell her, and she leaves the room.

"Clive Normandi, District Seven". The fifteen year old boy from District Seven walks in, and smiles at us. "You may begin" I say.
"I'm going to use axes" Clive says. We all smile at him, and then Clive runs quickly towards the axes. He then pulls out a small golden ball, and puts it inside of a cannon. Clive grabs an axe, launches the small ball into the air, and then throws the axe. As we watch the axe split the ball down the middle, we start whispering loudly, in amusement. Clive grins, and then walks towards the climbing net, and climbs up on it backwards, holding an axe in his hand. When he gets to the top of the net, he lets his axe hand go, holding the axe, then, he pulls his legs up, then down again, making them hang freely. Clive was only holding onto the top of the net with his left hand! He pulls his axe hand back, and then releases the axe. It soars through the air, and lands in the heart of a mannequin. We cheer wildly, and Clive does a little bow. "Impressive Clive! That will get you a good score in the arena! You may go now" I say when the other quieten down.

"Chelsea Walling, District Eight". A fifteen year old girl, the one from District Eight walks in, and scowls at us. "You may begin" I say. Chelsea turns, and grabs a sickle. She then walks over to a wooden mannequin and fails miserably at beheading it. She looks grumpily at it, and then tries to take it's head off again. Again, she fails. Unlike the time before, the sickle goes flying through the air, and cuts off one of the ropes on the climbing nets. A few of the gamemakers shout rowdily at her, and she stands there, in tears. "Leave us please" I say, and she runs out of the room, to laughter.

"Darning Elles, District Eight". The third fifteen year old in a row walks in, and walks straight to the machetes, which are next to the knives and daggers. "Start" I say. Darning picks up a machete, and then walks up to a mannequin, like Chelsea's. Also like Chelsea, he fails at doing anything with it, to his frustration. He swings and swipes at the mannequin's chest for a few minutes giving it what would only be scratches if the mannequin was real, and then I say to him "Sorry Darning, but we're running out of time, and we have another eight people to see, you may go". And the boy walks as fast as he can out of the room, like his District partner.

"Alice Overwood, District Nine". A tall, eighteen year old girl from District Nine walks in, and looks at us hatefully. "You, start" I say. She glares at me, and then turns towards the axes. She picks one up, and throws it at a mannequin, though she only chips off a finger on it's right hand. Well, the third person to consecutively fail at killing one of them, unless it would die of blood loss. She tries to throw again, and this time it lands on the mannequin's head, in between the eyes. "Okay Alice, you may go now". And she storms off, obviously disappointed in herself.

"William Kendering, District Nine". District Nine's sixteen year old boy walks into the room, and looks at me. "Begin" I say. William goes to the camouflage sections. He picks up a mannequin, and starts putting green dye on it. Once he's covered the mannequin in a series of different dyes, he picks it up, and puts it on top of a bush. Instantly it disappears from view. William then runs to the spears section, on the other side of the room, picks up a spear, and throws it. The spear lands on the bush, though even though it's not touching any leaves, it remains in the air. William then picks up the camouflaged mannequin, with a spear sticking out of it's chest, in the heart. We applaud crazily, finally! Another good tribute! I dismiss William, and he leaves.

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