Chapter Eight: The Training Scores

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(Jennifer William's (Capitol Reporter) P.O.V)
Andrew and I walk back from the training centre and into the newsroom. I pick up a sheet of paper with the scores on them, and then we both turn to start filming.
"Hello, Panem! Here's our second Capitol Quarter Quell Update for the week! The tributes have completed done their private sessions, and Jennifer here has the scores! We also have been told what weapons each tribute will be using, which we can now announce! Jennifer, take it away!" Andrew says, turning to me.
"Thanks Andrew, so the tribute scores, first up was District One, Velvet Amboni" I pause, looking at the score "An Eight".
"Ooh! Good Job Velvet! And the weapon Velvet wishes to use in the arena is some knives!"
"Now for the District One boy, Jace Niklace," I pause again. "A nine"
"Awesome work Jace! We also have word that Jace is itching to get his hands on an axe in the arena"
"District Two, Alana Jalisi.... Ten"
"And Alana will be using some knives in the arena"
"Slate Medoff.... Another ten!"
"And Slate likes using swords"
"Moving onto District Three, Electrica Yashar. With a score of Five"
"Electrica's speciality is poison"
"Now, Plugga Frey. With a score of three""
"Plugga, like Slate, is going to be using a sword"
"Onto District Four, Ariella Sherril" I pause for a second, shocked at the score. "A two."
"Really low-scoring there from a career, though it's explained when I say that Ariella uses a slingshot"
"Finbar Metz, Ariella's partner, got an eleven - obviously making up for lost ground for District Four"
"Well, that sounds more career-ish! Finbar uses tridents!"

"Moving onto the lovebirds from District Five, Vida Amenta got a seven, and Isaac Scales got a six"
"Vida uses spears, and Isaac uses a blowgun" Andrew says.
"Now, onto District Six. Daphnie Scorno. She scored an eight"
"And Daphnie is the third person now to use knives"
"And lastly, little Kye Lenz. With a nine, impressive!"
"And, wow! Poor little Kye scored a nine with a mace! He must be the first thirteen-year old to even lift one of those!" Andrew jokes.
"Moving onto District Seven, Jeanne Vigil scored a seven" Andrew smiles.
"Nice Jeanne! And, Jeanne is a skilled archer, as you can see from her score" I say.
"Moving on to Jeanne's partner, Clive Normandi. He scored an nine. Wow!!" Andrew remarks.
"So, Clive, one of the highest scorers so far, uses axes as his weapon" I grin.
"Now, District Eight, Chelsea Walling. A five"
"Oo! That's gotta hurt. Chelsea here uses sickles. That's a change!"
"And, Chelsea's partner, Darning Elles, didn't do better than Chelsea, a four"
"And, Darning uses machetes. That's a heavy knife in case any of you didn't know" I inform.
"Onto District Nine, Alice Overwood. Scored a six"
"Good on you Alice! Her choice weapon will be axes."
"For Alice's partner, William Kendering scored a nine"
"And William is a spear-thrower. Well, it's better than being the fifth or so person to use knives"
"For District Ten, Daisy Kerem. And she scored a five"
"And, well, how'd she do that? Daisy is a master at using the sickle, it seems" I smile.
"And, Daisy's partner, Nick Aberth scored a nine".
"And Nick also plans to use axes"
"Onto District Eleven, Mahogany Tipster. With a five"
"And Mahogany is using poisons in the arena"
"And, now, her District partner, Shaw Yepper, with a seven"
"That must have been impressive! Shaw used a blowgun in his private session"
"And now, we are finally onto our final District! From District Twelve, Kaitlyn Natale, with a score of eleven. Wow! She's one of only two to score that high!"
"And, Kaitlyn uses a spear"
"Finally, our last tribute, Ash Coralby. With a score of eight" Andrew takes a gasp for air.
"And Ash is the only person out of these first two games to use physical contact as a primary weapon" I finish off, smiling.

"So, we now know all the weapons being used in the first two games, and all the scores by the participants in the first two games" Andrew tells the cameras.
"So now we will run through the statistics" I smile.
"Firstly, the averages for each gender" Andrew clears his throat.

"For the boys, the highest score was an eleven from Finbar Metz, who comes from Four" I say.
"And the total average for the boys training scores was little under an eight" Andrew grins.

"For the girls, the highest score was an eleven, from District Twelve's own Kaitlyn Natale! Well done Kaitlyn!" Andrew starts the girls statistics.
"The total average from the girls training scores was a seven. Nearly as good as the boys! C'mon girls!" I cheer. Andrew gives me a look.

"Now," I say. "Onto the weapons summary!".
"In total for these two games, we have thirteen different types of preferred weapons" Andrew's eyes widen.
"And the weapons that are being used is the sword, the spear, the axe, the trident, the blowgun, some knives, a machete, a mace, physical contact, poison, the sickle, the sling, and a bow and arrow" I list.
"And the weapon that has the most people using it is the throwing-knives, or an axe! That sure means we're in for some excitement!" Andrew exclaims.

"Now, we said that there will be a lot of weapons going into the arena, in fact thirty-six in each game! Well... thirty-three for the boys, because of Ash. Three weapons in there are for a specific person. For instance, if there was three people using tridents, there will be nine tridents in the arena" I explain.

"Okay, we are now onto announcing who will be the next Master of Ceremonies for this year's games. This is a particularly eventful job, as they get to join Jennifer and I onto the show for the rest of the year, gets to do or the announcement that Snow's doing at the moment, do the commentating during the games with the Head Gamemaker, Oragin Falervee, and do the interviews! And that's to name a few of the things that they get to do. This is the first year the MC's have been nominated, and we hope it's a success". Andrew explains the deciding of the Master of Ceremonies.

"And, the finalists are between myself, Andrew, Georgia Kilier, Rose Vango, Trent Ondom, Mario Werewer, (weird name, by the way), and Jack Hopjuu!" I exclaim.
"For the past four weeks, you have been able to vote for who you want to be MC, citizens of the Capitol. And we now have the final results" Andrew says, holding up a golden envelope.

Andrew slowly opens the golden envelope. "And finally, in first place, the Capitol's new most popular person, with a total of thirty-two thousand and fourteen votes is - oh god, how did this happen? Is... Jennifer William!" I get taken aback by shock. I won? I almost fall off my chair. Andrew interviews me for a short period of time, but we had to get back to our coverage of the games. Our time slot is only so big.

"Now, for the rest of the first two games schedule. We have the interviews tomorrow, being Monday" Andrew looks at me. I try to ignore him. I'll be the one interviewing the kids!
"And then, the next day, is the last day for the boys in the Capitol. On the Tuesday, at six in the evening, the boys will be picked up and taken to their arena via hovercraft. That night, they will spend their last hours before the games under the arena. At eight, the boys games will start." I continue.

"During the boys games, the girls will have their time to themselves, do whatever they want. Train, watch the games, make alliances, go around town, you name it!" Andrew adds.
"And then, a few days after the four of the boy victors have been interviewed, the girls will go on the hovercraft to their arena." I say.
"They, like the boys, will spend their last night before the games under the arena, and then in the morning, their games will commence at four" Andrew puts in.

"And then, two weeks after the three girls victors interviews take place, the next reapings will start. Though this time, there will be two or three reapings per day."I finish. The President had let me know that she found it to be too long to span the reapings over eleven days.

"So, that's all from us! We hope to see you on Monday with Jennifer for the interviews" Andrew concludes.
"Happy Hunger Games! Have a good Quell! And may the odds be ever in your favour! I'm Jennifer William"
"And I'm Andrew Manretto"
"Signing off!"

I get up, and Andrew walks over.
"Great job Jen!" He congratulates. He had already done so, but that had been on live television. This felt more personal.
"So," I grin. "Where are we going for our date this time?"
"It's a surprise." Andrew grins, and takes my arm.

A.N: yeah sorry for the boring master of ceremonies stuff and that. I just wanted to find a reason to put Jennifer as the interviewer. I kinda like her if I'm honest.

Yeah so I actually wrote this chapter like a week ago. Because I'm going away for three weeks in January, I won't have time to write. So instead, I'm prewriting now and hoping to get far enough ahead that I can maintain a consistent upload schedule! (Which is every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from Australia)

Escape the Arena (100th Hunger Games)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora