Chapter: 5

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Charlie's P.O.V.

Owwww. My head hurts, why does my head hurt? I guess I slept too hard.. Well I might as well get up and do the laundry for the week. *Sigh* I put my foot down on the wooden floor without looking. *creeeaak*

"COLD!!" I screeched. I tried jumping on my bed and I flew right back off with an *omph* I landed belly down. I stayed completely still shivering.

My poor feet, they've got hypothermia call a medic, get me a cup of hot tea anything to soothe this pain' I cried silently. I stayed on the floor in hopes to warm up. I looked to the door and saw it was creaked open.  I must've woke up the others, a small red snout poked out from the doorway.

"Um.. Are you ok ?" Rose said as she strolled into the room. Rose looked around the room and looked at me with a deadpan look.

"Don't look at me like that. This floor is freezing." I whined looking at the furry figure.

"Then why didn't you just shift. That would've been warmer and you would not of woken me up." She inquired. That would've been a lot smarter. *mental face-palm*

'And quieter' Hatter snickered

'Oh be quiet' 

"I'm sorry ok. If it makes you feel any better, I tried to get off the floor but my bed rejected me and sent me flying." I said dejectedly as I shifted to my feet. Rose lets out a soft chuckle and shake her head.

Dusting my clothes off and I went to step forward when I hear a loud "BOO!" From behind me. 

Being the clumsy oaf I am. I jumped up and tripped on my own foot, instead of landing on the hard icy floor I fall on something fluffy and.... soft? Oh crap! Rose?!. A muffled yelp was heard from beneath me. Groaning I get up once more and carefully turn around to see Silvia rolling on the floor laughing hysterically. Rolling my eyes. I turn towards Rose and and kneel down to inspect for any injuries or any abnormalities.

"Are you OK?" I said worriedly scanning her lying form.  Rose sat up slowly gasping for air and responded with a simple 'yeah'.

"Silvia. Can you not try to kill me for your amusement." Rose said in annoyance towards the chuckling raccoon. *sigh* I still have to go and do the chores for the week.

The door was slammed open with Autumn, Hunter, and Lucas in pursuit. Ready to attack at any moment. They looked around frantically until their eyes settled on us. 

Wow..... They're so late.

"Oh. They're fine." Silvia said standing up dismissively waving them off with her paw.

"They just fell. Well...  Char fell on Rose." She continued with a loud chortle. I give Silvia a dark glare and turn towards the bodies at the door. I stand up from my kneeling position.

"Alright everybody, please stand in a line." I say with an authoritative voice. Everyone shifted into a small line, with Lucas and Silvia on either ends.

"Luke, can you guess what today is?" I say gazing at the line.

"Um... Is it my birthday?" He said with puzzled face. *mental face palm*

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