Chapter: 3

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*Alysia internal voice*- italic
*Hatter's internal voice*- bold
*Luke's internal voice*- bold and italic
*Storm's internal voice*-  underlined

*Everyone speaking*- italic, bold and underlined


Present time~

Alysia's P.O.V. :

So that brings brings us back to the current moment where I'm hunting for breakfast with Lucas and no I haven't fell.

Are you sure of that? *chuckles loudly*

Yeah I'm sure* says proudly*

Wow you're proud of not falling all morning but guess what


Remember... you fell when you first woke up *laughs loudly*

*face palms* why did you have to remind me

Because its fun *cackles evilly*

OK... Bye *mumbles incoherent words under breath*

*cough cough* before I was so rudely interrupted *glares at Hatter*

As I was saying...  I'm out hunting with Lucas.  I spotted Luke's wolf stealthily following a deer and it's doe. So I did what any good sister would do, I left him to deal with our breakfast. While I start to look for some herbs nearby so I wouldn't lose track of him. *rolls eyes* He's always running off somewhere . He's just so hyper *sweat drop* looking over my shoulder I see that Luke has already taken down the baby and now has to go against the angry mother.

Continuing my search I find some wild mushrooms eww, um.. some carrots blah, some potatoes yumm, ooo strawberries my favorite and omg some wild mint leaves!!! Jackpot!!! So I look over my shoulder once again to find that he's finished his part and is laying lazily next in the bush. I put my findings away in my bag and I get up and make my way towards him quietly.

As I make my back to Luke I spot slight movement but I don't smell anything near so I don't pay any mind. Soon enough I'm looming over Luke's hiding bush trying to wake up the dead corpse known as my brother taking a nap. This time I hear a stick snap and Luke's ears perk up. Someone's definitely there. Turning my head towards the sound I find a small group of... Animals? Crap! Did we kill Bambi!!??  Awe port things I hope they aren't hurt. I walk over to them slowly trying to show that I mean no harm. Looking more closely at the small animals there are four animals. Two foxes, one raccoon and... one bear...cub? Huh why is there a bear cub without its mother and with these animals? That's so weird.

Signaling Luke to come forward, I stop not to far from these beautiful creatures and sit down slowly gazing softly at their wary eyes.


Yeah sis

Walk over here slowly and try not to scare them off OK

OK I'm coming

~5 min later~

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