Chapter 1

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Present time

Charlie's P.O.V.

"Wake up Charlie wake up!" Someone yelled in my ear as they tried to pry the blankets off of me.
Keyword; tried

"What?" I groaned grogily. Hugging my blanket closer to my cold body as I shivered.  I still felt Luke tugging on the blankets and I was starting to loose my grip on the covers. Dang. He's almost as strong as me. Haha. Just kidding.

"Luke I swear if you keep pulling my blankets I will..." I was suddenly cut of when the wind was knocked out of me.
Grunting I shoved the weight of off my back. Hearing a *thump* next to the bed I felt content as i snugged deeper into my warm blankets.

I shift to a sitting position but I still managed to keep my blanket around me in a cocoon. I leaned over the edge of the bed and peered onto the floor, seeing my little brother with a pouty face.

"Oww Charlie you didn't have to throw me" Luke complained while ribbing his bottom.

"Sorry does our tooshie hurt?" I said sheepishly as I slowly rolled my whole body to that side of the bed but carefully making sure that I with loose balance and fall off of my comfy yet un-comfy bed.

"Yeah but not that much anymore." He said while slowly getting up.

"OK. Now tell me why you woke me up from my much needed beauty sleep." I spoke with fake anger.

"I'm sorry Char but I wanted you to get up and go outside and play with me." Luke said while looking down in shame.

"Hey I'm not mad at you but don't be surprised if you get woken up by a cold shower." I said smiling softly. Softly putting my hand under his chin and raised it so he would look me in the eye.

"There's nothing to feel bad about. I get it you wanted my awesome company." I laughed at my statement.

"How about a hug before we go hunting for breakfast?" I said flipping my feet over the side of the bed grazing my toes across the wooden floor and sitting up slowly so I don't lose my warmth. At contact a shiver flew up my spine causing me to jerk my feet back on the bed. But doing so I lost my balance and fell off the bed and my blanket stayed on the bed just sitting there staring at me as I yelp helplessly at contact to the ice cold ❄️ wooden floor.

I guess I have to get up now. Sighing I get up from my uncomfortable position on the floor.

"Luke go down stairs and wait for me in the living room ok." I said while giving him a hug.

"Ok just don't take too long." Luke said. Smiling I closed the door and got dressed. Then I picked out some clothes for later and put them in bag and went down the rickety wooden steps. I swear  I wouldn't be surprised if this house was haunted. It's always been creepy. Even from when Lucas and I stumbled across it a while back.

5 years earlier....

Shifting uncomfortably I opened my eyes and check Lucas before checking if anyone was near the little niche where we rested.

"Luke wake up." I whispered into his ear.

"Ok big sissie Hatter." He said groggily.

"Huh? Who's Hatter" I questioned.

"It's your wolf silly." He said with a smile.

"You got to meet my wolf before me.. awe man." I said slapping my knee.

(A/n Hatter is speaking in bold and Charlie is speaking in italics)

Hi I'm hatter

Oh my goddess are you really my wolf?!!

*laughs* yup that'd be me

Well I guess you already know my name *giggles*

I have to rest for a while I'll just be here ya know sleeping resting while you're awake so goodnight or should I say good morning * grins evilly *

*groans* ok but don't sleep for too long

Bye bye

Good night

Blinking back into reality I noticed something wet dripping on my face.

"What the goddess is on my face!??" I shrieked as I tried to rub the foreign liquid off my face and examine it. It looked like slime as I slowly pulled my hand from my face to see a bridge of saliva from hand to face. Where did this come from? Looking around once again my eyes searched for Luke spotting him quickly about to leave out of the small hole in the tree. He's my little ninja.  Yanking him back into the tree I say "Are you hungry little guy?" While examining his body for anything wrong,

"Yup" Luke replied. Jumping on my back. Arms latching around my necklace tightly but  it not too tight to make me wheeze from lack of air.

"Luke you sure are getting strong. Let's go get you more food so you can get more stronger." I said while crawling towards the hole. Shielding my eyes from the bright light coming from the east.

"Sissie?" Luke spoke.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Can we go home?" Luke asked as he got off my back.

"We have to be very careful but we can go. Let's go." I said and stood up. Taking Luke's hand in mine we walked  back to the pack house.

When we got there all we could see was blood. I had to cover Luke's eyes so he wouldn't see all the corpses of men, women and children in pieces beneath our feet.

"Luke here jump on my back and don't look down. Ok." I said while crouching down.

"Sure." Was his reply. As I felt him grip my neck I stood up slowly.

"Ok let's go. But remember don't look ok."

"Ok sissie." Luke mumbled into my neck. Continuing forward while avoiding any/all of the tattered bodies on the ground until we reach the front door. Stepping through into the house the coppery smell was strong. As we kept going further and further the more blood was present. On the walls, the broken doors that layer on the floor, and on the ceiling. It honestly looks like a red finger painting at some parts of the halls. There was blood in almost every room, different shades of red decorated  the walls, the floors, the beds and the bodies of the deceased.

We reach the end of the hall where there was no bodies and just a splatter of blood present. "Luke it's clear you can look now but just don't look behind is ok."

"Ok"he replied. Feeling him shift on my back I walk closer to the door. What's behind here? Why is this the only door that wasn't broken? Who's room is this? With my shaky hands I slowly twist the knob and slowly opens it.

*Ccccrrreeeaaaakkk* the door creepily sounded. Inch by inch as the door got wider my fear was raised also. Taking in a big breath of air I pushed the door open to see the most gruesome sight I've seen yet so far.

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