The Delinquents - chpt. 1

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*This story was originally on my other profile, bellapotter_16! It has been revised, finished and posted here on my current account! So don't worry if you see it crop up somewhere else on Wattpad! Enjoy and thanks for reading! (: 

The Delinquents

Chapter One

            Usually I had sly fingers. Today was an off day.

             Around my neck was a two hundred dollar crimson scarf, on my face were seven hundred dollar glasses, and in my pockets were five diamond necklaces, two shining gold rings, and three ruby studded bracelets.

            When the guard called me out on shoplifting I threw caution into the wind and picked up as much as I could carry before the guard lumbered towards me. Unfortunately, the security guard decided to skip his usual coffee and donut and was moving at a faster speed than usual.

            As I ran through the store, being trailed by ten security guards and being gaped at by rich housewives, I couldn't help but laugh gleefully. These were the moments I lived for. The chase. The threat of capture and the confidence that I would evade it.

            "Stop! Stop right now! The authorities have been alerted!" the guard behind me yelled. His voice was strained and tired, he was already out of breath. The store I decided to shoplift from was one of the most expensive stores in Oregon. There was nothing cheaper than two hundred dollars here, not even on a sale day. It just made everything more exciting.

            "Stop!" Another guard bellowed. I ducked between a rack of expensive looking trench coats and emerged on the other side in the furniture aisle. Everything was embroidered with golden stitching or had some sort of gem in the woodwork.

            I felt my leg muscles tense and winced, my lungs felt like they had shrunken to the size of peas and every breath stung a little more than the last. I forced myself to keep going. It was either I stopped and got caught, or I pushed past the pain and made it to the golden exit. I hoped for the latter.

            When the swinging glass doors of the main entrance came into view, I pushed myself faster. I reached my hands out to push the doors open only to see the swirling blue and red lights of a police car. I turned on my heel and changed directions.

            Now, I was heading for the back exit. A lonely guard stood in my way. He was tall and lanky and looked nervous as hell. He was young too, his face was still dotted with acne and his hair was unruly. It must have been his first week on the job.

             I breezed past him with ease as he was too frozen to do anything but swivel his head as I rushed by. Briefly, I heard someone screaming at him before the heavy footsteps resumed and my skin exploded in Goosebumps.

            EXIT shone in big red letters and I sprinted, ignoring my screaming muscles. If I could only—suddenly, I was on the ground. My face collided with the soft, beige carpet and my hands were held firmly behind me.

            I froze, my body going into shock. I had never, not once, been caught.

            "Let's see what we have here," a warm voice murmured into my ear. The man took the sunglasses off of my face and whistled. "Wow, these look expensive. Oh and this scarf too." Roughly, he yanked the crimson scarf from my neck. My cheeks were a beacon of my embarrassment

            His hands moved down to my hips, patting me down. "Looks like your pockets are stuffed." He took out the necklaces, rings, and bracelets with a laugh. He then moved to the pockets located on my bum and patted them down.

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