Fault in our stars

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Okay well I thought this was a good time to bring up my favourite book of all time because I just finished watching the trailer for the 1millionth time. I know it might be a little late to talk about the movie coming out but I just... I just can't. Literally excuse me language but this movie is gonna f*ck me up. Like I cried my heart out during me reading this book and when I actually watch this thing happening on a really big screen god knows what will happen.

I read this book when I was in grade 6, when I went to my cousins house. It was about 9 at night and me and her were in her room. Since we were really tired from going bowling all day we both decided to go to sleep. So at first I couldn't sleep at all. She was dead asleep so basically I was alone. So I got out of the bed and went to her book shelf, got that book and sat back down on the bed. At first I was like "I don't care what this book it about, as long at it puts me to sleep" and I started to read it.

Next thing I know it was 5 in the Morning I was legit crying. She woke up and she was like what the hell and then she saw my book and understood.

So I can't deal with how amazing that book is. Like literally this "okay? Okay." Thing is not okay with me. Too many feels for me to handle I say. AHHHHH MY LIFE.


I can't even right now. Like literally I know how much I sound like a white girl right now but seriously I can't. This is going to be too much for me. I'll literally get kicked out of the theater for Crying too loudly. Okay well anyways I'll let you do more productive things in my life, I'll see y'all later toodles.

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