My old friend

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Let's start this from the begining. All through kindergarten to grade 4 we were best friends. She was my only best friend. We would do everything together. We went on trips together, we saw eachother everyday, we even knew eachothers relatives, and all of them. I remember going to her aunt and uncles house and swimming, I remember going to her grandpas house and going apple picking and I remember going to her grandmas funeral. She was my best friend.

It was hard for her, Though. Not many people respected her. They called her hairy, they called her mean and they even said she was a bully. But they never knew her story. She has 2 older sister, picking on her day by day. She grew up like this so now that she was taught like this she would act like this to people who picked on her.

Payton never understood that. She would always be a pain to me and Grace during recess and at lunch. But she would never really see that she was always pushing and pushing for Grace to be like this to her. Grace would get mad at her and tell her to go away and then something else would happen and then bam they would both be fighting.

To this day, Payton says "well it's not my fault she made me go home crying every single day!" Which is not true at all. Sure grace would make her cry but Payton never heard the other side of the story. She would make Grace cry too. Not letting her hang out with one of her friends while I wasn't there. Telling her all these mean things. It was truly horrible.

It's just the thing is. Payton would always make it sound like Grace was a horrible person. Someone would ask me about her and Payton would just say "ew please don't talk about that b*tch" and no I'm not over exaggerating it. If anything I'm under exaggerating it. Every time someone would say graces name Payton would make it sound like she was the bully and she would do everything bad to her when then again Payton did things to her too.

A couple weeks ago in music our teacher asked to raise our hands if we've ever been bullied and guess who raised there hand. Payton did. She looked over at me and gave me the death stare, which I thought was the most immature thing ever. Yah sure she was my best friend but I don't need anyone thinking it was me by you staring into my soul. I was literally about to cry then and there. Rosie was by my side the whole time. Comforting me. At least she would listen.

I talked to Payton about it after and she said yah I raised my hand because of Grace. And she was proud of it. It's almost like she was proud of saying "yah I bullied her and she bullied me back".

"It wasn't her fault only" I told her.

"What it wasn't her fault for making me go home crying?!"

"And you think you didn't do it to her either?!" I shot back at her.

And after I said that, she would walk away, with a roll of the eyes.

But other than all of that, this is what annoyed me the most. I would say "she appolygizes so you need appolygize too". And she would say back "I have nothing to apologize for and I don't forgive her" it's immature and it's plain old rude. I had told Grace to stop saying sorry to her because she's too immature to say sorry back or accept the apologyz but guess what Grace is too nice to stop. It's all Payton's fault now.

She's lucky I'm too nice to tell her I don't want to be friends with her anymore because if I wasn't that nice I bet you she would have been long gone. I don't hate Payton in anyway. I just hate the way she acts immature. I don't think she realizes she in grade 7 yet, one more year to high school. But I guess that's what makes grade 7 so interesting.

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