Chickenteeth Writin'

20 7 11

Chickenteeth writin' neath the lamplight
Kinda fiddlin' with her hair
Hear her scream; an idea gits her.
She starts a scibblin' then and there.

She starts a writin' hard and fast
Scratchin' fiercely cross the paper
S'if some kinda fever caught her
All caught up an' in a vapour.

Chickenteeth scribblin'neath the lamplight
Interrupt her? Don't you dare!
Think we lost her in the moment
Strugglin' with a big idea.

Some say that the divil's got er
But I don't think that that is true
Leave her to her feverish scribblin'
She won't stop until she's through.

Third Verse: More Poems from Andrew GreenWhere stories live. Discover now