Pied Rhymer

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The Pied Piper of Hamelin
Took away their children.
I've come now to call you too.
You'll hear my words know what to do.

Drop all you're doing straight away
Drop everything and follow me.
You'll know and recognise my tune
So follow me, drop what yer' doin'.

Dancing, traipsing through the streets
Calling out to folk we meet.
Come and join the happy throng
All who hear the rhymer's song.

Folk out of cafes, off the bus
Ever more are joining us.
You'll be captured by my words
Won't quite know what has occurred.

Quit your slacking, quit your jobs
Bet you'll join us, what's the odds?
One out, all out, out you come
Fall in line, you'll find it fun.

Skipping, dancing escapees
Hear the rhymer follow me.
Where we're going you can't know
You just know you have to go.

I'm the rhymer, follow me
You will do so happily.

Third Verse: More Poems from Andrew GreenWhere stories live. Discover now