
15 4 0

"Jungkook-ah. Follow me for a second. We need to talk."

I walked to the stairs that was quite far from my class so that no one could hear our convo.

When we reached the stairs. I pushed him to the wall and grip his colar.

"You were the one that wrote that note right?"

He looked surprised. Didn't fall for that of course.

He closed his middle and his ring finger while his pinky and point finger aren't. He placed his left hand that done all above on his forehead.

"Of course! I can't lose to you! You can't have a boyfriend before me." He explained.

Yes, we made a bet. Who got to have a boyfriend or girlfriend first. The loser have to do whatever the winner told them to.

"Do you have to go that far?" I yelled. "Whatever." I walked away from the crime scene to my class. 1-C.

And JungKook? 1-D.


Hellooowwww... vOtE FoR thIs. CoMmEnT toO.

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