Hot Damn

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International Hotel - Las Vegas, Nevada, August 20th, 1969

Demi was sat front row at Elvis’ show that night, cheering and wolf whistling like she was 21 again. The audience cheered when he finished What'd I Say, despite the sadness that filled the room as it dawned on them that Elvis only had one song left to entertain them with. “Thank you… Thank you very much. You’ve been a wonderful audience.” Elvis began, catching his breath. Demi couldn’t help but notice how trim he looked in his white jumpsuit. He looked the best he had in years. And now that he no longer had to make movies, he was a changed man. He was just happier - happy that he didn’t have to make movies, happy that he was again doing what he loved doing the most and happy that Demi was back in his life. And it showed on his beaming face. “My last song for the night, ladies and gentlemen – I know, I want to stay and sing longer too – is for a very good friend of mine, sat right here on the front row. It’s her birthday, though she doesn’t look like she’s aged since she was 19. So, ladies and gentlemen, a round of applause for Ms Demi Lovato.” The hall filled with hoots and cheers as they applauded her. “And, since you are the only member of my ‘inner circle’ – gotta choose my words carefully – who’s here tonight… This song is for you.” As the opening chords of Can’t Help Falling In Love began to play and Elvis started to sing, something in Demi changed. The only way she could describe it was it was like a switch had been flicked and she no longer cared. Her minder, Carmen, nudged her. “Go up to the stage like the other girls do.” She said, grinning cheekily. “Molly won’t like it.” Demi replied. Molly, Demi’s old minder, had since become her PR representative. If Demi went up and Elvis gave her what he gave most girls who pressed themselves up to the stage, Molly would kill her. “Who gives a fuck?” Carmen exclaimed. So Demi found herself standing by the stage and Elvis standing over her. “C’mere.” He murmured seductively into the microphone. She moved forward and he knelt down. The moment their lips touched, fireworks went off. “Oh shit.” Carmen muttered, regretting the decision to egg Demi on.

Elvis dried his sweat-laced hair with a towel and took deep breaths. “That show was great, E! Fantastic! And when you and Demi kissed? Drove the audience insane! Brilliant.” Joe exclaimed. “Yeah, yeah… Thanks Joe.” Suddenly, George appeared in the doorway. “Guys, E has a visitor. Let’s give him some space.” As the Memphis Mafia trooped out, George stepped aside to let Demi in. The door shut behind her and she walked towards him. He remained silent, watching patiently. Once in front of him, Demi tentatively reached out to him. Elvis kept his eyes on her face and remained perfectly still as she unzipped his jumpsuit. “What happened to ‘we will never be more than friends’?” Elvis asked, still composed. Demi unzipped her dress, and looked up to meet his gaze. “That was before you dedicated that song to me. I’m a polite Southern girl and I have to repay you.” Demi flung her little navy dress to the side and Elvis whistled. “Well, hot damn. Do you always go commando?” He asked, his eyes trailing over her bare body. “Only when I know I’m gonna be seeing you, baby.” Demi replied, pulling Elvis’ jumpsuit off him. His hands roamed her body and she let out almost silent gasps. “Make love to me, Elvis.” She whispered. “With pleasure.” He replied.

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