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Demi tried with all her might not to run down the runway when she saw him; when she saw Elvis, sitting there, just as beautiful as she remembered him. But she was a professional – America’s most famous model – and she was going to own the runway like she always did. As backstage handlers and stylists pulled the clothes off her and makeup artists & hairdressers prodded her with the tools of their trades, Demi’s mind was fixed on the man sitting in the front row. And he was there to see her. Not any of the other, far more beautiful models; her. Only her. How was that supposed to make her feel? He was Elvis Presley. Sure, she’d grown up with him, but she didn’t know him anymore. She knew the cute 13-year-old kid from her childhood, not the gorgeous 25-year-old man sitting out in the audience. When it was finally time for her to end the show, after another 6 painful walks down the catwalk with his eyes boring into her soul, stripping her apart so she almost naked. But, every time she glanced at him, he looked like he liked what he saw. Surely that was her imagination. Wasn’t it?

Elvis played nervously with the hem of his jacket as he, his father and Demi’s family walked backstage. People greeted him like they knew him well; clearly these people weren’t just fans of Demi. All too soon, they came to a door, with her name marked on it in bold black letters. Dianna knocked and a woman opened the door. “Molly, is Demi decent? We have some old friends here to see her.” Eddie said to the woman. Molly nodded. “She’s been excepting you.” Molly’s eyes flashed to meet Elvis’, whose nerves were beginning to get the better of him. As the 6 of them entered the room, Elvis spotted her straight away. She was sat at her makeshift vanity, taking the layers and layers of runway makeup off her face. Elvis found the sheer natural beauty of her face overwhelmed him; she was lovely, just as she had always been. “Demetria, you’ve got some visitors.” Molly announced, before leaving the room. Eddie, Dianna, Dallas and Madison all rushed forward, congratulating Demi on her successful show. Then they stepped back. “Demi, you remember Vernon?” Demi finally turned around, her eyes falling first on Elvis’ father. “Hi Uncle Vern.” Demi said, smiling. Vernon laughed. “She does remember! C’mere you!” Demi jumped up and threw her arms around Vernon. “You’ve grown up so much! You’re as beautiful as your momma now.” Vernon gushed, pinched Demi’s cheek lightly. “Thank you. And you’re as handsome as ever, Uncle Vern.” Vernon laughed and turned to face Elvis, who was still standing near the door, uncharacteristically terrified. “You remember Elvis, don’t you?” Vernon asked Demi. Demi smiled, her eyes locking with Elvis’ again. “Of course I remember Elvis. He was my best friend after all.” Demi left Vernon’s side, so she could get a proper look at her old friend. “Would you all be so kind as to leave Elvis and I alone? I want to catch up with him… in private.” Everyone agreed quietly and Eddie led them all from the room, closing the door behind them. Once they were along, Elvis took in the extensive changes Demi had been through since he’d last seen her; her face had aged; she now had womanly curves; she now had the ability to walk anywhere looking graceful; and her chest seemed to have developed considerably… “The question is… Does Mr Elvis Presley remember me?” Demi asked, snapping Elvis out of his daydream. He raised an eyebrow. “Why wouldn’t I remember you?” He replied. “You’re a big superstar now. Why would you still think about your little childhood friend?” “Because you were my only friend.” Demi’s straight face suddenly broke out into a huge grin and she laughed. Elvis couldn’t help but smile and laugh too. On the other side of the door, their relatives let out a sigh of relief. “Thank the good Lord for that.” Vernon said, chuckling with Eddie as Molly led them away down the hall.

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