Iris made a face at Henry, as they both watched the two who they were supposed to save at any given moment. "Do we really want to save these two?" Henry thought about it, but shook his head no.

"Kill the filthy pirate. I'll wait," Carina had finally said.

"But witches first," Jack politely interfered.

Henry had firmly secured two sets of ropes from the building, for them to swing across. Iris had gripped tightly onto hers, as Henry did his. "You ready?" Henry asked her, catching her worrying glance at the height.

"No," She gulped, "But let's do it."

On the count of three, the two jumped from the building platform, flying through the air. They both headed toward the large wooden platform that stood Carina. Iris was screaming various curse words, waiting to hit the ground. They both landed on the ground, Henry tackling a soldier, as Iris had landed on her butt. Various soldiers had tried to grab ahold of Henry, but he was too quick for them. As Iris was getting up to help Henry, she was grabbed, trying to squirm out of their grip. Henry had punched the soldier that grabbed ahold his best friend. Iris gave him a smile, before Henry was grabbed by two soldiers. Iris was also grabbed by two soldiers.

Two guns were pulled on the both of them. "Did you think you could defeat us, boy? And you're little friend here?" A soldier called out to them.

"No, sir," Henry said to the man, "We're just the diversion."

"Fire!" Iris shouted, a smirk grew on her face.

A shot had been made by a cannon, as Jack's crew was the cause of that. The cannonball had been shot toward the guillotine. The man gripping the rope that held the blade let go, letting the blade fall onto Jack's neck. The cannonball hit the bottom of the platform where Jack was being held, as Jack himself went flying as he was still strapped into the guillotine. Cannonballs were still being fired, as Jack's crew were also beating up the soldiers, as well as Henry and Iris.

The board fell right from under Carina's feet, but before Carina could feel the rope cut off her airway, Henry had caught her. "From this moment on, we're to be considering allies," Henry demanded of the woman.

"Considering where your left hand is, I'd say we're more than that," Carina screeched.

Iris felt her like for Carina drop, as she saw Jack move his hand from under her bum.

"We find the Trident together. Do I have your word?" Henry asked.

"You're holding everything but my word," Carina stifled, earning a scowl to form on Iris's face.

"Do we have your word, Smyth?" Iris barked.

"Can we discuss this later, as I'm having trouble hoisting your port!" Henry called to woman, who were glaring at each other.

"You are far from port. That is my stern," Carina hissed.

"Are you sure?" Henry looked up.


Just before Henry has a chance to respond, a soldier walked up them all. "Well, look what I have here? If I kill the coward, the witch hangs. Two for the prince of one."

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