| Chapter 9: Trial Start |

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After they had forced Max into the cart, he kept his eyes low. He could hear the quiet murmurs as they moved through the crowded streets. Even if he couldn't hear their exact words, it didn't take a scientist to know they were talking about him.

They moved swiftly and quickly, as if they were running on a tight schedule. He barely noticed when they stopped, and he jumped a little in surprise when he felt arms forcefully pull him out of the cart and throw him to the ground.

Max landed with a thud, slamming his forehead into the dirt. He grunted and rolled onto his side with a cough.

"What the fuck was that fo-" He was abruptly cut off as someone kicked him in the gut.

He shut his mouth with a startled gasp, gritting his teeth.

"Holy crap Max!" He instantly recognized his sisters voice and her quick footsteps as she raced over to him. "What the fuck Ian!" She growled as she helped him to his knees.

Max finally was able to look up to see who had kicked him and found Ian glaring down at both him and his sister. Without a word, he turned and walked away, leaving Shelby cursing after him.

She was pulled to her feet, and Max was forced up. He panted slightly, his gut still aching.

He glanced around, trying to take in his surroundings. They stood in the center of a dirt circle, surrounded by empty seats. Directly in front of them was a large balcony overlooking the area.

He gritted his teeth and heard Shelby's breath catch in her throat as many men began to file into the seats.

"Fuck..." Max let out a curse as he exhaled. He watched as, once all the seats were filled, a man with somewhat tanned skin sat in the King's chair. The man looked exhausted, with grey streaks running through his brown hair and bags under his eyes. From where they stood, the King's eyes looked nearly pitch black and Max found himself frozen in fear for the first time in his life.

In front of him was a man who had killed his 8-year-old son. What was he going to do to them?

Shelby looked over at him and Max forced himself to turn his head to meet her eyes.

"It'll be fine." He told her, and she nodded shakily.

He bit the inside of his cheek anxiously as he awaited the start of their trial. He continued to wonder who this witch that they had been helping was.

When I get ahold of her... He sighed and looked up again, watching as the King nodded to an official.

The man took a deep breath and cleared his throat before speaking.

"Max and Shelby Zion, you are on trial today for the crime of housing and aiding the sorceress Nadia Zion. How do you plead?"


Sorry for the short, and all around crappy chapter.
I'll be editing earlier chapters at some point since I really feel like they could have been much better written, but for now I want to thank you guys for 1k reads!
I'm really happy you guys are enjoying the story for far, and I hope you continue to like it as it goes on.
- Worth

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