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hey guys, i need your help

seeing as you guys are basically my best friends

before you read on, i want you guys to know that this is not some pity call or attention thing. this is really serious

to cut the story short, my mom got in a car accident. a truck hit her. none of the adults are telling me anything else. I dont know if thing s are really bad or if they are just hoping to not scare me. i dont know if she is okay or anything.

so if you guys could really give me some help here thanks. this is probably the only life changing thing that has ever happen to me.

and scarier, my dad literally just called and asked if I am okay and hung up.

i honestly dont think my mother is okay at this point

tell me what i should be expecting. hoping about. and if things will be okay.

and if you think this is some attention grabber then you can ignore me.


EDIT- thank you all for your kind words. thankfully, my mom is still with me. she's not hurt badly at all. just a few minor scratches. i just got a call from her and i have never been so joyed.


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