Falling Apart

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I ran carefully backstage, taking it step but step. I remember when I was 6 and I had fallen. I cried until Mom picked me up and cradled me liek a baby.

Speaking of which, Mom had came shortly after the competition had started, only missing the beginning of our group dance. It wasn't that great anyways.

Though she always works, she never misses our dance competitions. I guess she wants to see how the work payed off. I always took this to my advantage and spent as much time with her as possible.

Mom being mom, is jumping up and down, swinging her arms and chanting our names. She was fully out smiling, having the time of her life. She always did this. I smile and stop in my tracks, trying to grab her attention by yelling at her.

I saw her gulp uneasily and slow down. Then, everything was slow. First, her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Her head fell back, her hair swinging down. Next, her arms feel to her side. They made a loud noise.

Her leg wobbled and she fell to the flow, her words mushy mashy until nothing came out. I had stopped calling her name now. Worry built up in me to the point I couldn't think straight.

A scream came from the crowd and things became frantic. People from all places were running either to her side or to call an ambulance. I could hear Chloe's mom, Christi calling 911.

I wanted to run. I needed to get by her side. But no matter how much I ran, she seemed too far away. Though I was just meters away, I seemed to be miles. Then, I began to get close, only to be pushed back my someone. No 'sorry' was heard.

I stayed on the floor, with this unfamiliar pain in my chest and my head spinning. I could barley make out any sounds anymore or anything beside my mom. I got up and run faster. But she was gone now. I spun my head in all directions to find her. Someone was carrying her to the ambulance car.

How they go here so fast, I don't know. Hot tears are forming and falling out with no warning so ever. I couldn't stop them. This feeling of sadness is overwhelming. Someone's warm arms held my shoulders, pushing me back. I shriek.

"No! That's my mom!" I yell, sobbing in the process.

I hoped they would let me go. I wished they would let me find my way to mom. My legs give up on me. I fall to the ground, my vision becoming blurry. Every color turns into gray. I cry hard.

"No! No! No!" I shake my head.

This isn't right. This isn't fair. Not to my mom. Do anything you want to me, break my heart. But don't do this to my mom. I felt a piece of my heart fall and shatter.

I'm not only sad but outraged. Fate, the universe is cruel. How could they do this is her?

"Mackenzie, get up." This person had been crying too.

Her voice was raspy. It wasn't until then that I realize it was Maddie. Her crystal blue eyes are now dull and the skin surrounding are starting to puff up. Not to mention, her dance makeup is running.

"M-maddie...no. No!" I croak, crying into her shoulder.

I felt pain everywhere. It was unbearable. It hurt to breathe, or just live. I couldn't even stand up if I tried

"Mackenzie, please get up. We have to get to her." I exhale shakily and stand up. Maddie's words shocked me, but ai always knew she was the stronger one.

My legs feel like jello. Wobbly. They are about to give up any second, and I pray that I can at least make it to see her.
"Girls." I look up.

We're on the hospital with its plain white wall and dull gray chairs. Maddie and I have been waiting for a century in the waiting room.

Gregs face is stained with tears as he tries to talk. Some were even currently falling out. His eyes are puffy and red but I'm only listening for his next sentence.

He opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out. Then I realize, there is no next sentence. She's gone.

No. I thought.

My face became hot and I needed to scream. My best friend is gone.

"No Greg. No!" I cry, waking Maddie beside me.

"Mackenzie please." It was low, quiet, and almost unheard.

"No!" I scream louder, pushing through him.

He didn't stop me, justing standing there like a half way frozen statue.

I turn the corner. The most gruesome sight was in front of me. My moms body, limp and still being carried away.

The pain grew inside of me. It blinded me. It choked me. It consumed all my thoughts.

I ran. I need to see my mom. She's my mom. And nobody is taking her away. This time, I made progress getting to near her.

"Mom! Mom! It's me! Your daughter!" I cry, hoping that she would somehow open her eyes and run to my arms.

"Mom!" I suddenly push backwards.

No. They're pulling me away.

"No! Let me go! Let me go!" My legs limp in the bulking hospital guards arms.

My fingers nails are digging into their skin. I bobbing my head ferociously, hitting their chest. They didn't budge, handing me to Greg who finally has the strength to hold me down.

My mind instantly wondered to Johnny.

I don't know why, but it just makes me want to stay away.
hi, it's me celine. so i found that this might be the most scary coincidence I've ever had. most of you guys know that my mom was in an accident and this chapter was actually something i told her about like two days ago. so i really got a first hand look at how this situation came to be. but anyways, here you go

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