
5.9K 117 8

Mackenzie- 14 (Ziegler)

Lauren- 13 (Orlando)

Johnny-15 (Orlando)

Maddie-16 (Ziegler)

If you don't know what they look like (then you should go because you are obviously not a Orlando/Ziegler/Jenzie fan) then search it up. their last names are in the parenthesis.

"Tell me you love me Johnny! Like me! Feel something for me! Please. Just say it, please. Even if you don't mean it!" Mackenzie's eyes were glossy now.

Tear dared to fall out any second, but Johnny just stared. He was afraid.

Afraid of the outcome that might come if he did.

Afraid that it might not be real enough for Mackenzie.

Afraid that if be said it, he might feel the same way she did about him.

She waited. They stood there, under the sky. Neither moved, well until the sun had stared to glare at them.

She blinked the tears away. He wasn't going to say anything. She left into the white building with the words TORONTO AIRPORT printed across the wall. Soon to be thousands of miles away for him.


In honor of 105 followers!!! Thank you!! Ilysm💗

•Say It Please•Jenzie•Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant