'Bad Boys'

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Mackenzie is a sweet girl. She's kind, beautiful, smart, and proud of every inch of her body. She would never cheat on a test, step on a bug, or lie. She's raised in a wealthy environment, but not spoiled.

She doesn't fool herself. For everybody knows, she sucks at all sport, except for dance. Kenzie, as her friends call her, is very skilled. Her sister, a junior at their high school is almost the same way. Only Maddie can have a bad side.

Kenzie hangs out with Lauren, Brynn, Annie, Jayden, Nadia, and Ruby. Of course, she has many more friends but theses girls were practically sisters.

Oh! Plus, she has a major crush on the 'bad' boy next door, as he likes to call himself. Also known as Lauren Orlando's brother, Johnny Orlando.

"Mackenzie dear! Time for school!" Her mother, Mellisa Gisoni, calls.

At a young age, her parents got divorced. She tries not to think much of the past though, she has her step dad, Greg, who is very nice.

"Coming!" I sweetly reply, skipping down the stairs.

I greet mom at the bottom of the stairs, giving her a kiss on the cheek. She gives me one back. I smile and skip to Maddie's car.

I like to think that Maddie's and I's sister relationship is perfect, but it's far from that. We have fights constantly, but make up soon afterwards. As of now, we are in a fight.

I expected to be welcomed into the car, thinking that she had gotten over our little fit yesterday, but she just groaned as I sat in the passenger seat.

Fighting the urge to not roll my eyes, I stay silent. Maddie on the other hand, got comfortable. This was her car after all. She turned out some funky music, until it was blasting.

I plugged my ears with my fingers. Yeah she's drop dead gorgeous, kind, and smart but at times, she can be a twat. She's only doing this so she can annoy me. And if I weren't me, I would have already jumped out of the car, getting a new ride.

Managing to stay quiet the whole ride, I quickly jump out the first second the car stop. I was glad to be on the solid ground. Maddie, after all, had only gotten her license last month.

I smile at my fellow classmates or school members that past by. Maddie, who had caught up with me, was just staring people down. It was hard to identify each other as sisters sometimes.

I walked up to my 'squad'. It was pretty early, so I was surprised to see them all there.

"Hi gals!" I say, walking up to them. They all give there 'hellos'.

"Did you hear?!" Lauren squeals. I cock my head, interpreting that I didn't hear what she was talking about.

"The 'bad boys' are coming!" Annie squeals along with Lauren.

A smile creeps onto my face. Being in an all girls private academy school was fun, but without boys, things could get boring.

Recently, the administration had made suggestions to merge the two all boys and all girls schools. The suggestion had turned into a real deal. The 'bad boys' (along with some others) will be the first group of boys to join our school.

And no, the 'bad boys' aren't bad boys. In fact, I like to think of them as the sweetest boys! It was a name that Hayden, Johnny, Brandon, Connor, Aston, Mark, and Jacob came up with as little kids.

I couldn't help but squeal along with my girls. Maddie didn't miss a chance to give me a look. I didn't mind Maddie's friends. In fact, they are at times, my friends too.

We all have dance together, including Brynn and Jayden. Nadia and Ruby also dance but fore a different school.

Just on cue, ten boys and two security guards walk into our school. Girls without the heads up were quaking. Some with elastic, while other were just engrossed.

I expected some kind of hug or run up but both the 'bad boys' and us girls stood still. They pasted with only a smile. I guess they didn't want the guards to act up.

"Don't be sad Kenzie, I'm sure Johnny noticed you." Lauren jokes. I turn red as a tomato.

All the girls knew about my secret, but Maddie doesn't. It's hard to tell her big secrets.

"Oh I know. But we should talk about your disappointed face when Hayden didn't look your way Laur." I retort in a jokingly way.

This time, Lauren turned the same shade as I did.

"Shhhh!" She pouts.

You see, we all kind of had a 'thing' for the bad boys. I like Johnny. Lauren likes Hayden. Jayden likes Connor. Brynn and Mark constantly flirt. Ruby and Aston are dating. And Annie hasn't really made up her mind.

There used to be a love triangle between Lauren, Annie, and Hayden. (Of course Hayden didn't know) But Annie realized that Hayden was like a 'replacement' of Caleb. But Caleb could never really be replaced.

I never knew Caleb personally but I know he will be forever remembered. Back to the point, most of us have crushes. Oh! And Nadia is a year older, so she has a older boyfriend that we don't see much.

"Mackenzie! The warning bell just rang! Come on!"
Lauren dragged me to my first class, which I happen to have with her and the 'bad boys'.
okay. i am completely in love with the idea of this story. for once, i have everything planned out! so prepared to be wowed. actually dont because im not a good writer lol

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