Itachi x reader 9

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Third person  pov

You were a member of the akatski, you were a rouge nin from (Your village). You had only been a part of the organization for a few weeks and you were already butting heads with a few members.

Deidara, Sasori, and Itachi always argued with you on mostly pointless things. And to make matters worse Itachi and you were partners! Every time the two if you had a mission he told you to stay back and that'd you'd only get in his way.

"OI PAIN! IM DONE YOU HEAR ME! GIVE ME A NEW PARTNER!" Your voice could be heard yelling all throughout the hideout. Now this wasn't the first time you had come to request a new partner; this time , however, you were absolutely livid with Itachi. Hell even teaming up with Tobi would be better than dealing with that cocky Uchiha on more time.

"What'd he do this time?" Pain said sounding curious. It wasn't everyday someone pissed you off this badly. In fact this was the first time you had gotten so angry. Sure you got annoyed but never this badly.

"Not only did he look down on me, scrutinize my every move, and straight out insult me; he straight up told me that the only thing I'll ever be good forms spreading my legs for men!!!!" You raged violently as your Kenkei Genkai powered up causing you to be surrounded by flames. Pain's usually stoic face filled with apprehension and shock at your words. He knew that Itachi tended to look down on those he didn't view as his equal in power or position, but to view someone as strong as you as weak and then call you a sl** was uncalled for.

"I see I'll call him in RightNow so we can deal with this." Pain decided in a calm matter. On the outside he appeared cold and undeterred, but on the inside he was shocked and disgusted with Itachi's behavior towards you. His calm tone seemed to cool down your anger enough for the flames surrounding you to go out.

"Thank you Pain I don't think I can take much more of Itachi's hatred towards me..." Your voice, while still sounding rather angry, had light undertones of hurt lacing through it. And unknown to you Itachi was outside the door listening to your conversation with Pain.

"Why do you think he hates you?" Pain asked clearly aware of the fact that Itachi was listening in. Itachi felt his breathing hitch at this unsure of how you were going to answer.

"Well he used to be Kisama's partner and i asked if Itachi ever made him sit out on the easier mission you send us out on, he told me Itachi never did that with him! You know at first I thought maybe he doesn't trust me yet and i just have to prove myself to him. So on one mission I decided to help by using my Kenkei Genkai...... He he told me that I was stupid to jump in like that and that i got in his way. He is constantly telling me that I'm useless, stupid, a waste a space, and that I should just leave because of how pathetic I am. I tried to put up with it, but when he found out I asked to change partners before our last mission he told me that I was a weak, defenseless, and pathetic excuse for a ninja.... He then proceed to tell me that the only thing I can do right is spread my legs to any man who was willing. So yeah it's pretty clear he hates me. I can't deal with it anymore..... I fell in love with him despite his shitty attitude and his cold demeanor; so it really hurts when he tells me how useless I am and it damn near killed me when he called me a wh***." You break down half way through your rant and start crying. Itachi chose that exact moment to rush into the room. His arms wrapped around in a tight embrace.

"I'm sorry...... I only wanted to protect you.....I didn't mean for you to get hurt. I only said those things to try and discourage you from going on missions that might get you hurt or worse killed. And on our last mission the man I was referring to was myself..... because to be honest I've been wanting to get with you for a very long time. I love (Y

)." Itachi confessed feeling guilty about hurting you so much. You stopped crying and looked into his eyes searching for anything that might hint that he's lying to you, but all you could see was love and honesty shining in his eyes. With a renewed sense of love and happiness you turn to Pain and tell him you changed your mind. Hand in hand you and Itachi left Pain's office and head to your room for a little alone time 😉 .

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