ch 5 Choji x reader

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Your pov

Today your team and the rest of the rookie teams were having a picnic together in the woods at train ground 7. You had cooked all of the food in your teams basket yourself- seeing as you were the only one who knew how to cook and your teammates were kinda lazy- and your teammates simply taste tested bits and pieces of your cooking to see if it was good or not.

Everyone had made different dishes. Team ten made dumplings, team 7 made rice balls, team 6
made sandwiches, your team made ramen and meat,and ino-shika-cho made salads and brought bread. You and the other girls had planned out who cooked/ brought what and how much. You had made enough for everyone  and plated everyone equally.

Sakura had initially teased you about picking favorites seeing as you had a crush on Choji. You told her that you didn't play favorites when it came down to it. You preferred to be fair with all of your choices when it involved more than one person. If it came down to two people arguing you would play mediater and try to make both sides come to an agreement.

Sakura shut up immediately after that and you handed out the food you made after she was done. You had made small servings for everyone so that they could eat a little of everyone's dishes. The rest of the girls followed your example. As you served Sakura's team you gave Sasuke his special ramen that had more tomatoes in it. And handed Naruto his which had more noodles.

Everyone took note that their ramen were a little different. While no one had a larger serving, they all had a larger quantity of their specific favorite ingredient in their ramen. And their meats had different sauses. "Hey (Y/n) did your mom make this?" Ino asked shocked. "......." You tensed and could reply. "Her mom left a long time ago." Your teammate answered in your place.

"Then your dad made it?" Sakura questioned next.
"No he's too drunk to do anything right." You answer in an emotionless voice. You could feel pity radiating from everyone before Choji spoke up, "Eeeh you made this yourself! Man I would kill to be your boyfriend!" He grinned breaking the tension.

You blush a bright red and fumble with your words. Choji's smile never left his face. It was then that you knew he was only joking. It shouldn't hurt as bad as it did. You knew he wouldn't return your feelings he likes food not you. He's only saying that because he wants to eat more of your cooking.

You really didn't think that your heart would hurt so bad. You only wanted him to like you. "(Y/n) are..are you alright? Your crying." Your teammate asked concerned. You shake your head and stand up to leave.

"I, uh, need to head home and get started on my chores and dinner for tonight." You lied half-heartedly. "But you made plenty extra for your dad-" "And you finished your chores early!" Your two teammates called as you walked away. You turn around and look into your teammate's eyes. All they could see was the pain in your eyes and the heartbreak you were feeling.

Before anyone could move or object further you take off to go to your safe place. A few years ago you had found this small clearing in the woods-it was filled with flowers and other small plants- while avoiding heading home to your drunk father. He had never physically abused you, but he liked to say hurtful things to you from time to time. He mostly mocked your ninja skills and your looks. You were extremely self-conscious because of this.

Unknown to you as you ran your teammates ended up confronting Choji about his words and how they hurt you. They ended up explaining how your father treated you and how you felt about the boy. They also pointed him in the direction of your hiding place.

As you climbed a tree tears streamed down your face. Your heart was hurting so much. You didn't even know why you liked two barely talked to each other. He was always bugging you for your lunch and complimenting your cooking. He had been the first person, other than your mom, to give you a compliment and that was what started your crush on him.

Over time it developed into more and you could no longer see him as just a friend. You wanted to ask him out, but you didn't have enough confidence to do it. Your father had told you that no one could love a mistake.

"(Y/n)!!!!!!" You here a person calling for you. You try not to make a lot of noise. "(Y/N)!!! WHERE ARE YOU!?" Choji's voice called loudly.

For a moment you thought to respond, but that thought was tossed aside. "(Y/n) come out please!" Choji yelled desperately. "Why should I?" You mutter loud enough for him to hear but not loud enough for you to be found. "Because I like you!" Choji declared proudly.

Disbelief filled your being. "You're lying. No one could like a mistake." You mumble hurt. "You're not a mistake, (Y/n), you're an amazing person, you're smart, you're pretty, and you can cook. You're perfect to me." Choji admitted shyly.

Your heart beat like a drum. A smile broke across your face as you climbed down the tree. Choji spotted you and ran over. The second he reached you his lips were on yours in a deep passionate kiss. He asked you to be his girlfriend/boyfriend. And you both returned to the picnic.

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