You heard a deep voice say. You peeked though the leaves of the house plant. To see an adorable skeleton dressed in blue a bit shorter than you.


Asked the shorter skeleton.


Papyrus responded.


He began to jump all around Papyrus while scolding him about his addiction.

"Sorry Bro, It's harder to quit than you know. Guess you can say...I don't have the GUTS to quit."

Papyrus laughed at his own pun as Sans groaned.

"All you do is sit around a boondozzle! You get lazier and LAZIER EVERYDAY! Go back to your post this instant and focus on captur- ARE YOU LISTENEING TO ME!?"

Sans raised his voice.

"Sorry bro, I was looking at this Plant. It's PRETTY cool."

Papyrus said grinning. Sans quickly ran towards the plant and kicked it over still looking at Papy.

"I don't have time for it!"

Sans said huffing. He quickly grabbed the plant and placed it up where it was not taking notice to you AT ALL.
He silently apologized to the plant and pointed at Papyrus.


The short skeleton zoomed off into the distance, You let out a breath you didn't realize you held in. You stood up and step forward.

"Wow, That was a close one. Better get out of here before he comes back. and if he does you'll have to sit through more of my hilarious puns."

You nodded stepping away but before you were out of his range, he spoke up.

"Actually, Hey. I hate to bother ya but, can you do me a favor? I was thinking. My brother has been kind of blue lately, you know besides his clothes. He's never seen a female human before. and seeing you might just make his day. Don't worry He's not dangerous. Even when he tries to be."

He winked. You thought for abit. You just met this monster but so far he doesn't seem aggressive or want to hurt you, really. Maybe dad was wrong...
Okay. You made your decision.

" Sure, no problem! "

You agreed, smiling. They smiled back at you.

" Thanks a bunch, I'll be up ahead...."

Papyrus turned around and walked away into the distance.


Sans was working on his puzzles for humans, Papyrus slouching against a nearby tree. Sans heard your footsteps in the snow ahead of him.
He looked up from his puzzle at you and back to his puzzle.
He paused, doing a double take before jumping up to his feet.
His eyes widened, inspecting you from head-to-toe.
He quickly took notice of your flesh, hair, and size.
Without a doubt you were a human. He quickly finished his puzzle, proud of his master piece!
He placed his hands on his hipbone as you approached closer.
You stopped in front of them waving, introducing your self.

" Hi! My name is (y/n)! Nice to meet you! Uh- the both of you! "

You smiled at the two, not-so subtly winking at Papyrus.
He grinned and gave you the 'okay!' Hand sign.

" Hello human! I am The Magnificent Sans! It'sverynicetomeetyoutoo-! "

He quickly finished, not wanting to be rude but also not wanting to ruin his prepared speech.

" I, second in command of Queen Toriel's Royal Guard will capture you and bring you to his majesty! Mwehehehe! "

Yandere Blueberry X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now