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Randy's POV
      Levi, Bruno, and I just walked around the whole town laughing about the most random things, while my stomach churned at the thought of Nathan and Isaac catching and exposing me. I zoned out and kept walking, following their playful, carefree steps around town.
"Um... when is Nathan coming back?" I asked while they stopped to turn around and face me.
"Hm not sure... I guess as long as the admiral wants him," Levi said as he continued walking forward with Bruno by his side, "We can party it up without Nathan, don't worry!" He exclaimed reassuringly causing me to allow a slight giggle to escape at the sight of his joking manner.
      I distracted myself by thinking about random things in my surroundings: Levi and Bruno were so tall. Well, everyone was, I'm just really short. The town is so small. The vendors here seem so locked into a routine that keeps them on the brink of normality, although no one in this universe is to be considered normal. Normality meant simplicity and a state of "happiness...I guess." They're life seems perfect and ideal in the sense that on the surface they have nothing to legitimately complain about. They're complaints would be shallow and done only for the sake of complaining and starting a conversation. My eyes stopped on a butcher who would stare blankly at the bustling street in front of him, just waiting to tend to someone's needs.
I could see right through him. I focused enough to see his thoughts. I saw a little boy. He seemed to be just born. The thought kept replaying its self in his mind. I slowly released myself from him to realize that Levi and Bruno were staring at me from a distance, probably wondering what I was doing. I stopped and looked back at them and then slightly jogged in their direction. Damn, I continue to weird everyone out.
"Randy, why were you reading his thoughts?" Bruno asked seriously.
"He looked interesting..." I stated firmly. Levi then put his hand up to his forehead as Bruno moved closer to me.
"We don't know how the Jedi do things from where ever you were trained but don't pull that shit here. We like you Randy, don't make us the people who hang out with the weird girl," He stopped and moved in even closer, "Only those with the dark side of the Force do that. I'm sure you were aware. We only use that kind of mind trick in dire situations, understand?" My stomach dropped as I realized he was right and I am exposing myself too much. He moved away from me fot Levi to change the subject, "How about we all get something to eat? I'll tell Nathan to meet us there?" Bruno broke his stare and lightened up as he and I agreed to Levi's offer.
      We were at the pub for a few hours waiting for Nathan and Isaac. Levi, Bruno,and I couldn't stop talking about pod racing and it was quite fun to talk to them. Nathan arrived at our table looking extremely drained.
"Organa doesn't stop talking dammit!" He laughed as he took a seat next to me, "She didn't even assign me anything other than to keep my eyes out. She knows I'm a fucking joke." He mumbled the last bit under his breath and I didn't hear it.
"Food has got to lift your spirits, ya?" I suggested to see his face light up. He nodded as we attempted to call a waiter to bring us some food.
"Hey Randy... Can I see your ring?" Asked Nathan. I reluctantly gave out my hand. My ring was a small kyber crystal. I've always had it and never really known where it came from but I knew never to lose it. His attention switched then to my bracelet. "Shit, are you getting tracked?! Why do you have this?" He pulled me in closer and spoke with a quiet but angry tone.
      "No. I'm not," I lied but kept my cool, "This is broken...I just keep it because I like it. I guess it gives me some sense of belonging." I wasn't completely lying when I said that. The tracker was broken. Or at least nobody gave a shit about it, so I therefore didn't matter.
     "You're so interesting!" Nathan seemed to be satisfied and delighted with whatever I came to offer. At least someone does.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2017 ⏰

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