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I laid in bed as my thoughts consumed me. I pushed out the bad ones as much as I could, but demons never leave. I stared into the darkness as I tried to allow sleep to control my head, but I've been too tired to sleep lately. What if things never change? Ahhh what am I going to do? Is this how it's always going to be?! No. Everyday I roam around alone, living the life that everyone in the galaxy wants to live, but they don't realize that everyone runs from you in fear of certain death or cruel punishment from a 16 year old. When I was at the academy, I didn't have any friends. They all teased me for being younger, shorter, chubbier, uglier. Yes, it does feel good that they work under my feet now, but I wish I could just talk to someone. Have days where we do dumb things together, forget about work together. I just want...a friend.
     I got dressed as early as I could and left a message for all my workers saying they could continue their work without me. I don't think I have left the ship before alone in a very long time. If I ever leave, it is for a mission, but otherwise I had no reason to. I took a pod and flew out, just looking for somewhere to be with a free entrance point. The only pod we had open was a highly advanced one and security may question as one of the enemy. After circling around for hours, I finally found a planet similar to my home one. Free entrance, low security, perfect. I slowly flew in and sounded as friendly as possible when I was claiming my entrance. When I landed I was swarmed by security and troopers. They didn't know who I was as half my face was covered just in case someone recognized me. I was free to roam around as I liked and stay as long as I liked as well, and that was a relief. They looked at me suspiciously as I jumped out and slid my hood off due to the heat. I guess they didn't recognize who I was because I dressed like... a jedi.
I took a deep breath as I found a market place and roamed around. My palms were sweaty, knees were weak, arms were heavy. My breathing shallowed and my vision blurred as I regretted my decision to leave the ship. I walked fast with my head down as suddenly I felt a jolt to my shoulder and I fell to the ground with a thud. I wiped the sand off of my face and opened my eyes to see a hand held out to me. I ignored the offer for help and got up myself and looked up to see a tall boy with pale skin, short brown hair and bright blue eyes.
"Sorry, I should have looked where I was going. I didn't see you there." He said as his eyes burned into my dark ones. The glare of the sun blinded me as I was about 5 feet tall and he was a foot and a half taller. Or at least it felt like he was.
"No no, I wasn't looking where I was going. Honestly, I'm lost and freaked out and I don't know what I'm doing. It's my bad, sorry." I quickly blurted whilst trying to get away from him.
"My name is Isaac," He smiled and held out his hand, stopping me from leaving. "I can help you out if you like, you seem lost."
"I'm not lost, I just not sure what I'm doing." I mumbled quietly.
"Well, then how about I introduce you to my friends? We can get something to eat and just hang out." He looked at me until I looked up and brushed the hair out of my eyes. I smiled and I couldn't resist but nod. I realized I never told him my name, and shoved my hand out for a handshake.
"Uh, my name is Randy," I said confidently as he shook my hand firmly. We exchanged smiles and he led me toward where ever we were going to meet his friends.
Should I even be trusting him? But then again, what do I have to lose. A lot, but I will at least make some kind of friends. I thought. We walked quickly against the wind and sand that was lightly blowing against us.
     "So, Randy, where are you from?" Isaac asked to spark some kind of conversation as we were awkwardly walking to wherever he was taking me. The question rung in my ears and I had no idea where I was from. I smirked at my own stupidity and ignorance towards my past. I knew my parents lived on Alderaan, and that is where I was found by the First Order.
      "Alderaan." I said reluctantly. I-I'm from Alderaan. But I had to go else where." I lied confidently as Isaac looked confused. Luckily, he said nothing about me and responded about himself.
     "I grew up here on Tatooine. I haven't really found a reason to get out." He spoke contently with a shrug. He dressed similarly to me.

Is he a jedi?!

Thanks for reading! The story will get better I promise.

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