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The entire night I had an uneasy feeling about the three men I met yesterday. I got up and stared at my wardrobe for a second as it was split into two sides: one of the hideous Jedi Knight attire, and one of the Sith. The Rebellion was always corrupted with people who were too obsessed with the word, "good," that they took it far out of its meaning and transformed it and turned the word into dust, for it no longer had meaning. I strongly believe in what I do for I'm a Lord of the First Order and my job, my lifestyle, is perfect. My actual life, doesn't quite live up to those standards, but I'm getting better. I keep telling my self this and maybe one day it will become reality, or I will take "getting better," just as the Jedi took "good," and morph it to become what ever I want it to.
I pulled the ugly ass clothes out of my wardrobe and put them on as I examined my body in the mirror. The bright red marks across my stomach still stung when I touched them, and they pulled my mind into corners of Hell I had not yet discovered. Every. Single. Time. I go somewhere new in the depths of my thoughts, where I had never intended to travel. Flashbacks. Panic. Darkness. Before I had the chance to do anything, I splashed my face with cold water to snap me out of that feeling. I quickly braided my hair, grabbed my light saber, and left my quarters to find everyone outside, waiting for me. The captain was standing there and held out a tablet with plans of destruction.
"The engineers devised these last night. We were all very excited but they seemed the most excited." He exclaimed with a happy face. Everyone's smiles made my stomach sink. What have I done?! I promised an attack in 15 months, but I am not ready to do that. Especially not to such an innocent and beautiful place, NO! My thoughts were screaming through my eyes, but I couldn't unleash myself.
"They look fine. Improvements will be made later, as I am late. Is my pod ready?" They all scurried off with the tablet, and a trooper led me to my pod, which has been ready for hours.
"Safe travels, My Lord." He said with a smile.
"Thank you!" I waved as I closed the gate and flew off.

~•Time Skip•~

Laughter filled the air, including my own. We all took sips from our drinks and breathed as the spirit of humor consumed us all. The thought of Levi sprung into my head again. When can I see him again?
"Hey, are we ever going to see Levi again? I felt bad as yesterday I was a little shy and I want to try my first impression a second time."
"Haha yea Randy, I can get them over here by telling them that there are some hotties serving us but in reality they're all repulsive." Everyone laughed at Felix's comment about the three boys as he started to call them to head on over to our bar. After, the conversation continued on about stupid things. Isaac, Jamie, Felix and I talked about Jedi things and later Eden and I would talk about music. The one person who I could never talk to, was Rasim. I didn't exactly have to anyway, as he was talking to other people and I never really found the need to interject.
"Ayeeeeeee!!!" Levi and his friends came over to our table and everyone's mood immediately lit up by seeing their enthusiastic smiles. I got up and straightened my hair and held out my hand as Levi did yesterday.
"I don't think we properly met last night, Levi. I'm Randy." I said confidently.
"Well you already know me. This is Bruno," Levi pointed to a guy shorter than he was. Bruno had curly hair and glasses, and didn't quite come off as a Jedi Knight, but that is what Levi claimed him to be. Bruno smiled and nodded politely in my direction. I didn't know that the next thing that Levi would say, would change everything. Absolutely. Everything.
"Oh, and this is Nathan."

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