ORCD: Volume 1 Chapter 2 New Starts Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Oh, it was nothing I was just trying to be nice, handing his weapon back to him and then he just snaps at me" "geez... what a jerk" Orchid said trying her best to act tough.

"It's silly when people just discriminate for no good reason, all you were trying to do was be nice" Robin said shaking his head.

"Yeah" Orchid nodded in agreement "thank you" Sun said "that's what I said but he wasn't having any of it all he wanted was to just treat me like trash"

"Come on we should get moving we don't want to miss the opening ceremony" Orchid said however as she turned around she bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry-" "watch were your going!" The Faunus said in slight enragement.

"I'm sorry I just-" "don't try apologising, you just bumped into me because I'm a Faunus and you think I'm not worth a damn" the girl said.

The girl wore a orange tube top with a gold and orange leather long sleeved jacket and a golden Peacock tail symbol on the back of it, she matched this with orange leather high-heeled boots with orange shorts, with a pure golden outline around it. She wore a lot of jewellery such as several golden necklaces, one had a Peacock's head on it, golden rings and even has expensive diamond and gold earrings. As well as orange and gold sunglasses with golden glass inside of them, this was accompanied by an orange leather cowgirl hat with a golden outline around it. she was rather heavily muscled, and looked rather youthful and and looked rather beautiful, she had messy long orange hair with emerald green eyes she also had a skirt made of what appeared to be bird feathers.

"I, uh didn't mean, I'm sorry, I'm a supporter of Faunus-" however thankful before anything else was said Robin stepped in between the two "look missy, it was just a mistake, so how about we all just walk away and forget we ever met each other" the masked student said.

The girl simply let out and agitated sigh and walked away from the purple haired girl, Orchid let out a small sigh as she cupped her face between her hands.

"Oh... there goes another potential friend" Orchid sighed "hey, come on cheer up now, those two were just wired... and what's the odds your ever gonna see them again?" Robin suggested trying to cheer the new student up.

"Yeah, and besides you've already made two friends" Sun added, Orchid let out a small smile as she then happily skipped of "come on, we don't want to miss the opening ceremony for new students now do we?" She said gesturing for them to follow, Sun and Robin looked at each other for a small moment in confusion of how she went from down in the dumps to happy again before following.

— Time Skip —

The three walked through a large building and into the auditorium, where several students had gathered to listen to new there headmaster, however as they walked inside they noticed that most of the students were walking out.

"Uh... did we miss it?" Robin said scratching his head in confusion "yeah, you did" a new voice said from behind them, they looked to see a boy with messy blue hair and yellow tinted goggles, he wore a white shirt with a red jacket over it and fingerless gloves.

Sun walked over to the new figure giving him a pat on the back "hey, Neptune what did we miss" "nothing much, Professor Lionheart just said teams would be assigned tomorrow, and we'd be sleeping in one of the buildings" the boy finished.

Orchid looked at the boy as a small blush began to form on her face at the boy's appearance, thinking quickly she pulled up her jacket over her head to hide it. Robin noticed this but merely shook his head at her behaviour, and gave Sun a small nudge.

"Oh! Sorry I forgot, this is Robin Evergreen" Robin extend a small handshake towards the new friend.

"sup" Neptune greeted "the roof" Robin joked earring a small chuckle from Neptune and Orchid.

"And this is Orchid... wait what's your last name?" Sun asked "i-it's Orchid Da-Vicius" she said slowly taking down her hood.

"Orchid Da-wha?" Neptune said also confused at the strange nature of her name "D-Da-Vicius, It's silly really... but it's in my family so..." she said trying to sound as proud as she could.

"A-anyway It's good to meet you Neptune" she said offering him a handshake which he accepted.

Orchid could feel the blush on her face begin to grow again as she touched Neptune, so as the two stopped shaking one another's hands Orchid pulled up her jacket over her head again, thankfully Neptune didn't notice as he had turned away.

"Anyway, you guys wanna get something to eat, I'm starving" Neptune said "sure I could go for a bite" Robin added as the three walked away, however none of them realised that that Orchid had been left behind.

"Wait! Guys! I can go for a bite to!" Orchid called out and ran in a random direction, her jacket still obstructing her view, however instead of going after her new friends like she intended ran head first into a wall, She slowly slid down the wall while letting out a sad groan.

— Time Skip —

Orchid, now in her pyjamas which consisted of a purple t-shirt and purple shorts, walked towards her purple sleeping bag with a white cover and pillowcase.

She lay down in her bed and began writing on a piece of paper and began to sketch out a picture of herself, Robin, Sun and... Neptune... she took a deep sigh as she thought about her day, she then laid back in her bed and looked at the roof letting out a small sigh.

She then looked over to her left, she then saw the Faunus guy from earlier sat down reading a book titled "Shade Homes" Orchid then got up from her bed and walked over to him.

"H-hey" the boy simply took a small glance at her before returning to his book "uh, you remember me from earlier today right?" She asked, however the boy simply didn't reply.

"O-of course you do stupid question, uh anyway you walked away before I could say anything so it's-" however yet again the Faunus boy took a small sigh and walked away from her.

However this time Orchid followed after him "s-sorry i-if I was disturbing you, it's just I'm trying to make new friends and I, well I thought maybe we could be-" however before she could continue talking the boy disappeared into the male lavatories.

"O-okay you want some time alone that's... that's fine... w-we'll talk some more later" she said giving a cheery smile, which quickly turned into a sulk as she then turned around and walked back to her bed.

She then flopped straight down on her bed and fell fast asleep ready for team selection day tomorrow.

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