~5. Pitch Black~

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~Third POV~

Jack gives Aury comfort and decides that they should tell North tomorrow. Aury doesn't know what to do about the situation, she has never been that angry before. Jack just want's to make sure she stays safe.

"My mind is all over the place." Aury states putting her hand on her forehead, sitting on the grass with her new best friend.

"Just take deep breaths." He replies softly, rubbing circles on her back. Aury slowly breathes in and out and she closes her eyes.

"I'm okay." She says.

"You sure?"

"Yes, I should probably rest."

"Okay, I'll check on you tomorrow." He says getting up.

"Sure, bye Jack." She smiles.

"Bye Aury." He smiles, then flies off. Aury stands and pulls her spear out of the tree, once she gets it out she lays her hand on the hole it made.

"I am very sorry for this." She says to the tree, all of the sudden, her hand starts to glow yellow. When she takes her hand off the tree, the hole is gone, she jumps back in shock.

"Did I do that?" She asks, looking at her hands.

"I-I can heal?!" She looks up to the man in moon.

"Some surprise you give me after not talking to me in 2 years." She says to him.

"You mind explaining?" She asks only to get silence, she scoffs.

"Yeah, you were never the one to talk." She goes to find a place to rest, that is until she runs into Pitch Black.

"Hello again Aurelia." He greets with a cold smirk.

"Oh come on, I don't need this. Leave me alone Pitch."

"I did not mean for my partner to cause you so much trouble, we only mean to speak to you."

"Oh she spoke to me, just not in the best manner." She snaps.

"I can tell." He chuckles.

"What's so funny?" She asks.

"It's just, you're such a..what do kids nowadays call it?..A good noodle." He laughs.

"So what? I'm proud to be soft, kind, caring, etc." She states, Pitch was a bit surprised that she knew that.

"Hey, I am way younger than you. Now let me get this straight, you get defeated by the guardians just by yourself, now you actually have help, and it isn't good enough?" She asks.

"It isn't like that, the more help have have the better chance of me beating them." He explains.

"I honestly feel bad for Blair, for once, I mean she seems pretty powerful, and yet you're still not confident." She states, he grows angry.

"Alright fine. We'll see what happens." He disappears. Aury puts her hand on her forehead and rubs it along her face.

"I just want sleep." She mumbles walking off.

~The Next Morning~
~Aury's POV~

I slowly open my eyes to see the colorful leaves of the tree I'm under as the sun shines through them. I smile and sit up from the pile of leaves.

"Alright Aury, a new day and I'm feeling much better. Oh! I get to train with North!" I say to myself, I get up and dust off my clothes. I fly off to the north pole, once I get there I fly through the big window to the globe room. I see North and Tooth talking.

The Bond Between Fall & Winter (Jack Frost X Reader!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora