~8. Jamie And Sophie Bennett~

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I wake up and stretch my arms out, I jump right out of bed and get dressed. Everything going on has been such a big change, good and bad, I now have a new family and a boyfriend! But also two people trying to kill us. I need a me day today, I need to go out and do what I always do, and also learn this new healing power. I put on my normal outfit and brush my hair. I then make my way out of the workshop, but feel a cold hand grab my arm, I turn to see Jack.

"Hey! What're ya doin?" He asks with a smile on his face.

"Just going out and doing my job!" I say a bit too joyful.

"Okay. You wanna hang out when you're done?"

"Sure! I'll see ya then."

"Cool, see ya babe!" I tilt my head in confusion, pink forms on his cheeks.

"What is babe?..Sorry, I'm quite clueless when it comes to mortal culture..which I'm guessing is what that is, heh." I rub the back of my neck awkwardly.

"It's okay. You see, babe is a nickname for someone you are in a relationship with, now that we are..together I thought it would be appropriate." He explains awkwardly, I giggle.

"Okay, I can definitely learn a lot from you! Thanks Jack!" I give him a peck on the cheek and fly out.

~Time Skip~

I made sure I turned all the leaves in the east coast and made my way back to Burgess. Now all I have to do is test these new powers. I look around the forest to see if there is anything that needs healing, I find a grey kitty who seems to be limping.

"Aww a kitty! You need help, here." I fly up to it, she seems to be a girl, don't ask how I can tell. She was scared at first but I was able to calm her down. I pick her up and look at the leg she was limping on, but don't see anything on the outside.

"Hmm, it must be some sort of internal damage, don't worry, I'll help ya." Just in case you're confused, animals can sense when something is there, but humans can't see it, so she can see me. Anyway, I carefully put my right hand on her leg and concentrate on healing it, my hand starts to glow yellow. After a moment I set her on the ground, she starts to walk normally, I start to feel dizzy, but it went away after a minute.

"I did it!" I exclaim, the kitty meows and rubs her head on my leg, I pet her.

"Let's go find your owner." I pick her up again and fly to the city, I look at the tag on her collar. It reads,
1438 sapling street. (I made this up)

"Okay Misty, let's get you home." I fly around the town until I find the house. I walk up to the porch and set her on the ground.

"I'll see you around Misty." I say softly while petting her, she purrs. I ring the door bell and hide behind a bush, even though they can't see me anyway. The door opens to reveal two little girls, they gasp.

"Misty! Mommy Misty is home!" They both shout, an older lady walks up behind them.

"Oh thank goodness she is okay!" The mother exclaims, I smile and fly off.

"It feels so good to help." I mumble to myself.

"Heya Aspen!" Jack suddenly appears in front of me, I get so scared I start to fall, luckily Jack was able to catch me in time.

"Jeez louis Frosty you scared me!" I shout while playfully pushing him, I'm scared but I gotta lighten the mood, right?

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to." He says worried, I sigh.

"It's okay. What are you doing here?"

"I want to you to meet someone!" He says gaining his wonderful smile back.

"Who?" I ask, he grabs my hand and flies me back into town. We land at a window and look through it, I see a boy with brown hair and brown eyes. I also see a blonde girl with green eyes, wait, thats the cute little girl I saw the other night! Jack knocks on the window, making the boy and girl look up, they both smile and get up, the boy opens the door.

"Jack!" He exclaims has he hugs Jack.

"Jamie! It's been awhile! Look at you kiddo, not so little anymore!" Jack says ruffling the boys, Jamie's hair.

"Well I am 14 now!" He says.

"Hey Jack!" The little girl greets.

"Sophie wow you've grown too! How old are you?"

"8 years old!" I knew it!

"Okay so guys, there is someone I want you to meet. You know who Aurelia Autumn is?" Jack asks, the little girl gasps.

"Yeah! She controls the fall! I've drawn pictures of her!" She exclaims, she runs out of the room and comes back in with a drawing of me with my old look. My mouth drops out of shock.

"She believes in me." I mutter with hope.

"I've tought her about Aurelia, I've only heard one story in a fairytale." Jamie says.

"Well she's here! And it turns out we're..together." Jack says, the two children smile, they look behind him and their smile grows wider. In fact, they're looking in my direction.

"It's her!" Sophie shouts, my eyes grow wide.

"Wait you see me?" I ask, they both nod.

"Oh my gosh! Yas!" I jump, Sophie runs up and hugs me.

"You're so pretty!" She says.

"Aw thank you! You are very beautiful yourself." I boop her nose, making her giggle.

"Sophie and Jamie, Aury. Aury, Sophie and Jamie Bennett." Jack introduces.

"You two are together?" I hear Jamie whisper to Jack.

"Yep, I'm pretty lucky huh?" He whispers back, I see Jamie nod.

"Boys are weird." Sophie states.

"Yes, yes they are." I say, we both giggle and the boys just smirk.

"Well we better get going, you guys need to get to sleep, Sandy should be coming soon." Jack says.

"Okay. It was good to see you again Jack, and nice to meet you Aury." Jamie says.

"It was great meeting you too Jamie and Sophie." I say as I put Sophie down. We wave goodbye and leave, we sit on a building and look at the town again.

"Thank you so much Jack! Ever since I met you I have been so happy, even with Pitch and Blair's crap. So much has changed, mostly in the best way." I kiss him on the cheek.

"I will do anything I can to make you happy." He says as he grabs my waist and kisses me on the lips.

Being a guardian does have its perks.

I'm sorry it took forever to post this! I'm trying my best I promise! Thank you all for being patient!

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