Unknown number

Hey, so you want to take me out for coffee? -The short boy with black hair

My heart does a little dance, along with my feet; I jump in joy around my room, squealing like a little girl. He might actually be interested in me! That's a first. Wait, what do I reply? Okay? No, that's terrible. Uh, maybe he'll want me to just text him where we're going? That seems demanding, though, plus I don't know where he lives so I can't pick something that's convenient for him and I don't even know what kind of coffee places he likes and- stop thinking, Will. I'll just stick with my instincts, send him the location and time.

Maraschino Cafe, 10:00am this Saturday, meet me there? -Will

That's alright, I mean it could seem a little rape-y depending on how you look at it. Merlin, my stomach's doing flips. What if he's not free on Saturday morning, what if he has something with his family? Or what if his dog dies and he says no at the last second? Does he have a dog? Not knowing these things is really killing me at the moment. In the time I thought all of that, I've checked my phone at least four times. Which is quite remarkable for my clumsy hands. I lose hope at the 7th check and put on a bad sitcom to pass time. Seriously less than 30 seconds after I get comfy on my bed, I hear a ding from across my room. Why do I keep leaving my phone out of arms reach? I race to the dresser yet again and open my phone to see,

Unknown Number

I can't pass down a coffee date with a hot boy;) see you there, Will. -Nico

Wait. A second. Did he just call me hot? I nearly choke at the word, probably blushing 10 shades of red. My breath hitches as I realize that I got his name - Nico! That is just about the most adorable name I've heard, ever. It suits him so well, with his little body and his wavy, raven hair and his slight Italian accent. At least I think it's Italian, from what I heard. It could have been Russian. Wait, he just said yes to the date! I just successfully asked a cute boy on a date with me, without the help of my friends. Score, they'll be surprised that I managed this.

That night I couldn't sleep, which was kind of a no brainer. I couldn't stop thinking about Nico, and his big russet brown eyes, his soft black hair. And gods, his perfect body. I just wanted to hug and cuddle him all night lon- Wait, I don't even know him yet. He could be an axe murderer, or worse, he could collect toe nails for a hobby *shudder*. What if he doesn't end up liking me? I mean, my face is pretty unappealing, I have too many freckles. And my skin is gross, yellow-y orange, too orange for my average blue eyes, which makes my skin look even more tangerine-like. Not to mention my terrible lanky body, my messy hair - stop, you'll go into another panic attack. Twice in a month can't happen, or else... I don't know! I start to slightly panic, but manage to calm myself down by putting that crappy sitcom back on. Somehow I manage to fall asleep to fake audience laughter, just to wake up to a terrible Monday, in which I DID have a panic attack, but not to worry as it was at home late at night, not in public. Luckily that hasn't happened, at least not yet. At least a day's passed, one day closer to my first ever date! I'm surprised Nico wasn't homophobic, I live in quite a conservative place. I'm also surprised he doesn't go to my school, seeing as there's only one in the town. Maybe he does but I've never seen him before, but that's unlikely since all of the queer kids at high school tend to stick together so as to not get beat up as often. Maybe he's homeschooled? Or older than me, he might even have graduated already. Or maybe he's not out yet. That would be sad, it really hurts to keep such a big part of yourself hidden. God, i have scars from stressing over what my parent's reaction to me would be, and look where it landed me! In a tiny apartment I can barely afford, living paycheck to paycheck. The only reason I'm not homeless is because I share the apartment with two other of my queer friends from school who got kicked out, too. Thank god i have my own room, they share one. Two more crappy days pass, I was punched in the jaw, but luckily it didn't bruise that bad. It'll probably disappear in the next day or two. I plan my outfit for the date, it being the only thing keeping me out of bed in the morning. I spend two hours, finally deciding on darkish blue jeans and a pale green t-shirt with my converse. The shirt isn't ugly, but casual. But not too casual. Maybe I should actually wear that blue jacket with just a white shirt. Yeah, that'll work, instead. I finish my calculus homework and go to bed, letting two more days pass. Tomorrow I'm going on a date with the cutest boy I have ever seen, and yet I am a slob. How did I manage him? The day passes by slower than any Friday ever has, which is saying something since Friday's pass slow for school in the first place. Should I get coffee or tea there, I don't want my breath to stink in case he kisses me. Wait, he won't want to kiss me. Why would he want to kiss me? But maybe on the off chance he would, I'll bring mouth spray in my pocket.  Gods, what will I do with my hair? It always looks bad, maybe I can ask Gabriel how he gel's his hair. The day finally comes, and I'm up all night anyways waiting for it. One of my roommates, Maggie, noticed my eye-bags, and brought me into her room to put concealer under my eyes. It felt weird, but made me look much better. I thanked her, but then asked her what I should do with my hair. It was only 9:00am, so she helped me make it look somewhat decent, a hard task, and sent me off. Of course she had to remind me not to stammer too much. It was about 9:30 when I was completely ready, and pacing the kitchen, waiting until a time I thought was appropriate to leave. I decided being 15 minutes early wasn't too bad, and left at 9:40. When I got there, there was nearly nobody there, just a young lady on her computer in the corner, and the barista, an androgynous person named Luca who I'd befriended. I told them what I was doing there so early, told them about my date with Nico. What else would I do but describe to them how beautiful Nico was, the way his hair day perfectly on top of his head, how perfect his olive-colored skin was. That's when Luca started to clear their throat and jerk their head towards somebody next to me, who I hadn't noticed until right then - I found Nico standing there, looking more beautiful than the last time I saw him, but also looking quite embarrassed, very red in the face. I 100% went into panic mode, stuttering and probably more red than a tomato. Luca, thank gods, saved me and said,
"Hey, I'm Luca, Nico. I've heard a lot about you," in that moment they winked at me, causing me to make a choking sound, embarrassing myself even further. "But I already know what Will likes to drink, so what'll you have?" Thank gods for Luca, I can barely breathe at the moment and I still have to manage to have a date with this absolutely gorgeous human being. I look over to his gorgeous face yet again and manage a shy smile. Gods I must look so unattractive right now. I snap out of it when Nico replies to Luca;
"I'll have a black coffee, please," he says with the most breathtaking little smile. He glances over at me, but we both look down in embarrassment. Luca then thanks us and tells us to take a seat while they get our drinks ready. I sheepishly lead Nico to my favorite spot, where you get a view of the woods lining the Café. He goes back to his blank stare, one which I see every time he leaves the tattoo shop. I take then to notice while he's looking out the window that he has a couple of tattoo's, one of which looks like my favorite flower; a daffodil. He looks back at me, and instead of that blank stare he has given me countless times, he smiles, and my heart stops. I can't help but smile back, my ugly smile, so I cover my face with my hands, which I've given myself sweater paws with so to make sure he doesn't see my scars. His smile slightly alters as he looks at my hands, and the silence is broken when he says,
"Why are you covering your smile? I find it very pretty."
Have you ever met someone that makes you so flustered that you can't say anything? Because I just have. I probably look like a tomato for the second time this morning, and look down in my lap, not knowing what to say, yet not able to stop smiling. I stutter out,
"W-we'll uh I just, uhm... I don't know, I-I just-"
Thank the gods Luca turns up at that very moment with our coffee's. They comment on Nico's super cool doc martins and winks at me yet again, leaving me less flustered than before, having to be slightly annoyed at their actions. Nico giggles when they wink, nearly giving me a heart attack. While Luca walks away, I decide that you only live once; I tell Nico how much his laugh gives me butterflies.
"I-I really love your l-laugh," I say dumbly, blushing pink. It was 100% worth seeing him smile to say that, so I decide to tell him whatever I think will make him smile from then on. For a moment there is no talk, and it's awkward, Nico sipping on his drink, and me trying to collect myself. I suddenly get the urge to thank him for giving me the time of day, so I sat so.
"Hey, th-thanks for coming on this, uh, date with me."
He looks up from drinking, and puts down his cup to say,
"Thanks? I, I mean, thanks for asking," he laughs awkwardly. Did he just stutter? Is he as nervous as I am? And why is he happy that I asked him, I would expect at most, he'd be bored.
"I mean, I was too shy to ask you, myself. You're really very cute."
I double take. Not just because he's adorable when he does that with his eyebrows, but because he thinks - and I quote - that I'm cute. Cute! How??? But my thoughts were interrupted by him saying,
"And Luca- that's her name, right? She's looking back at us with hawk eyes."
I look over my shoulder to see Luca quickly pretend to be wiping the counters, not looking at us, apparently. I death stare them, slightly giggling, and say,
"It's they, actually."
"They're non-binary? That's great, I didn't know anyone non-binary lived in this city!" He sounds so cute when he's excited, I push back a blush as I look back and say,
"Yeah, they've been a barista here for like 2 years. They've helped me get through most of high school." I smile as his eyes almost sparkle, looking at them. He looks back at me to see I'm looking at him and blushes slightly. We go back to our coffee for a second, me enjoying my latte while he sipped his straight coffee (unlike him HA SEE WHAT I DID THERE AGH HAHA IM SO FUNNY send help). I look up at him, and he catches me, doing the cute thing with his eyebrows again.
"Why are you staring at me?" He asks with a laugh. I decide to throw myself out there like I said I would and answer,
"Because you're beautiful, of course," I say, this time without stuttering. Score. He chokes on his coffee, and I laugh. I look back at him and he's blushing quite a lot.
"What?" I ask, wanting to know what promoted such a cute face.
"I just, uhm," he cleared his throat, very clearly flustered. "Your laugh - it's really, uhm-"
He's nearly as awkward as me, but I loved it. And he thinks my laugh is nice? Since when? But for once I push the thoughts aside and just enjoy this date, my first date.
More coffee, more giggling, more slightly awkward conversation later, and I learn that his middle name's Mathéo, he has a calico cat named Giovanni, and he really likes dark chocolate. I've also learned that I was lucky enough to be on a date with the most beautiful boy I had ever met, and didn't forget to tell him this. He giggled and complimented me back, and this time I didn't let my insecurities get to me. Luca brings out the check since they need to close up at 3, and it was 2:45. We were both sad that the date had to end, but we already planned out our next date. As we were leaving the shop, he kissed me on the cheek, leaving my stomach with insane amounts of butterflies. When I got home, I did a little dance and told Maggie everything, including the kiss on the cheek. I texted Nico later that night, not caring if I sounded too clingy.

I really enjoyed today, hopefully I can see you're beautiful face after our next date:) goodnight, Nico. -Will

Hey guys, sorry for not really posting that often. My mental health has been kind of in the dumps recently, but I have good news too! I'm getting a binder, so hopefully I won't feel so dysphoric all the time. After that, in March, I'm going to get my hair cut as well. Can't wait! Love you all, I'll post soon:) -Elliott

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