He got a mouthful from me and my mother that day. He's also upset about my mother dating. Jealous much? I also got some tea on him. Apparently, he and Ms. Lydia are on the brink of getting a divorce. I talk with her every once in a while and she's a really nice lady. I guess after all the years of him being a jerk she finally decided to leave him. But that also means more drama for me now that both of their daughters are blaming their divorce on me. Whatever. Chris and Josh have pretty much disappeared. They're still in school of course I just don't see them often.

"Come on bitch," April mugged me.

"Girl don't rush me," I rolled my eyes. I grabbed my bag and we both left to meet up with Tia. She had just pulled up when we got outside.

"Hop in bitches!" She yelled. We both flicked her off before getting in. And another thing I forgot to mention is that April and Tia are now friends. April stopped worrying about Tia stealing me away and actually became close friends. We pulled up to the restaurant and all got out talking. "You two ready for spring break?"

"Girl I am pumped," I squealed happily. I originally wanted to go to California for this break but Andre suggested we go to Hawaii instead. I'm super excited and we're going to take their company plane. It's going to be lit!

"Me too," April said. "Free trip to Hawaii? Gets no better than that. Oh! We need to go swimsuit shopping! I need a different one for everyday we're there."

"No kidding," Tia said.

"Is Frank coming?" I asked. Frank is her on again, off again boyfriend. I don't particularly like him but there's going to be a lot of couples so I didn't want her to be lonely.

"We broke up," she said nonchalantly.

"What? Why?" April asked. It's no big surprise they'd break up. They were always on the ins and outs.

"I got tired of it," she shrugged. "He wasn't taking me seriously and seeing you two with your boyfriends made me want something like that. I didn't think guys like Andre and Shawn existed. I want the kind of relationship y'all got."

"Really?" I asked pulling out my phone.

Me: Green light!

JuJu💯💪🏾: Word? 👀 Bet 👌🏾

"Girl what did you just do?" Tia eyed me.

"Nothing," I smiled innocently. I've been wanting those two together forever and now she better hop on this Jules x Tia ship. "Besides, you don't need a relationship like me and Andre. He's crazy."

"Yeah. Crazy for you bitch. Like y'all are seriously so damn cute for each other. You never have to worry about him."

"Yeah," I smiled just thinking about him. "Don't worry. You'll have someone perfect for you."

"You will," April sipped her drink.

"Since we're on the subject, how are you and Shawn?" April and Shawn hit a crossroad in their relationship. Shawn is doing internship in San Francisco. He wants to design videogames and he's debating about living there permanently or for the duration of his career. He wants April to come with him but she's not sure and thinks it's too soon to make such a drastic step in their relationship. I mean, they've been dating for about six months.

"We're straight," she shrugged taking a sip of her drink again. "I just...I don't think he understand or wants to understand my side you know? Like we've been good so far but we haven't dated long enough for us to move in together."

"And how long is long enough?" Tia asked. "You love that boy and he loves you. Your family loves him. Shoot, your dad already basically married you two off."

"Yeah well...what if something happens? What am I supposed to do if we break up or something?"

"Shawn is not like that asshole who left you," I said. April dated her last boyfriend from high school until college. They moved in the apartment together but he ended up skipping out on her for some other girl and left her to pay two months of missed rent on her own. If I hadn't come along she would've been evicted. "Don't make a mistake by forgetting that. Shawn would never put you in that type of situation. Pops would kick his ass if he did."

She sighed. "It's just a really big step you know? I don't want him to think I don't love him the way he loves me or that I don't want to be with him I'm just scared. I've lived here my entire life and just picking up to follow a guy to another state isn't the safest thing."

"You're not following a guy. You're following your soul mate girl," Tia said. "Don't be the dumb broad who lets something good pass her by because she's blaming the current guy for what the past guy. Shawn has always been there and never steered you wrong. That boy is not going to do anything that'll jeopardize you."

"You have to take risks sometimes April," I said.

"What if Andre wanted you to move with him? Would you go?"

I thought about it and nodded. "I love Andre and I want to be with him. I mean, he's already saying we're going to be married and all. I messed up letting him go before but I'm not going to do it again. He's the realest I've met and I'm not going to lose what we have. Besides, he's already designing our future house."

"Bitch what?" We shared alaugh. Andre is just too crazy for words. We sat, ate, and talked about next week'sactivities. I'm so ready for this break. All this semester's stress needs tocome off. I really appreciate Andre for getting this together. But I have afeeling this Spring break is going to have its fair share of drama as well.    

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