"Sabrina, what's wrong?" Scarlett asks with worry.

"I just threw up, I don't feel good. Sorry guys, but I'm not gonna go for a swim. Hayden, can you take me home?" She says with a soft voice.

Hayden looks at me for an unknown reason—as if I can give him the answer to her question—and gets out of the pool.

"Yeah, I'll take you home." He nods his head. "Just let me dry off and get my stuff."

We all watch Hayden as he takes one of the towels off the table and dries himself off. Well, I know why I was looking at him—I can't say the same for the others. He's just so damn handsome. I swear I must've broken a sweat watching him dry his muscles off.

"Thanks for having us, Scarlett, but we gotta go now." Sabrina waves at her. She doesn't even acknowledge me.

"Anytime! I hope you feel better." Scarlett waves back.

"See ya guys." Hayden says.


The couple go into Scarlett's house. I'm sure Hayden goes back downstairs to grab his things, before he and Sabrina leave.

"You gotta stop lettin' people walk around your house like that. I just thought about it." I say to Scarlett.

"It's not like they're gonna steal anything." She chuckles.

"You barely know them." I shrug my shoulders.

"Sabrina's my friend, first of all." Scarlett points out. "And Hayden seems harmless. Especially to you."

"What you mean? Is there some kinda double meaning here?" I tilt my head to the side.

"Come on, don't play stupid. I saw how you were looking at him." She shakes her head with a smirk. "You like him."

"I do not like him." I scrunch my face up in disgust.

"Lie again."

"I'm not lyin'!" I get defensive.

"I'll admit, he is cute, but he's taken. Sabrina and Hayden are really happy." She says.

"They can stay happy, nobody want his ass." I chuckle. In reality, I'm actually kind of sad that the couple seem genuinely happy. Maybe I am jealous, but I can't really be jealous over someone who isn't mine.

"You don't think he would play her or anything, do you?" She raises her eyebrows.

"No, why?"

"I don't know, sometimes I see him being really friendly, if you know what I mean." She says.

"Girl, we all know that one guy who flirts with other girls even though he has a girlfriend. And they love their girlfriend very much." I wave her off.

"Yeah, but it makes me think sometimes. Like, should I tell Sabrina?" She frowns.

"No, that's none of your business. Let them be. She probably flirts with other guys too. It's human nature." I shrug my shoulders.

"So, you would be okay with your boyfriend being too friendly with girls?"

"Hell no." I shake my head and laugh.

"Okay, then I should tell her."

"Nah, because then you'll be starting unnecessary drama. Clearly, they like each other. They're just both really pretty, so of course other people are gonna flirt with them and they probably flirt back. Be honest, if you know someone finds you attractive, you flirt with them, don't you?" I say.

"Yeah, I guess." She nods her head.

I do it all the time—flirt with guys that I know find me attractive. It keeps me entertained and I don't have to feel bad about anything. They get what they want, which is a little banter with me and I get what I want, a little attention. Flirting is just a part of human nature; we need some kind of attention to keep us going. It's practically harmless.

Or maybe I'm just trying to convince myself all of these things.


This story has now reached #248 in romance. Thank you to everyone who reads it, comments on it, shares it, and votes for it!

I really do appreciate it!


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