Chapter 1 - The Meadow

Start from the beginning

   “Yeah, thanks” I said

   Jake handed me a small plate with mushed up bits of meat on it. This was what boiled groosling looked like. It doesn’t look appetising but when you live on the bare necessities sometimes, boiled groosling is a real treat. I gobbled it down and went back into my room and got changed into the only formal dress I had. My outfit consisted of a navy long-sleeved shirt and a pair of black trousers.

   This outfit had once belonged to my father, before he died that is. I would rather not go into details; it hurts too much to talk about him, especially how he died. I combed my hair so it was straight and neat, completely different to normal, and went to get Jake ready.

   By the time my mother and Jake were dressed we had hardly any time until we had to leave but I snuck out anyways. I am sure you can guess my destination. The Meadow.

   The meadow looked the same as it always did. Clutters of daisies spread throughout it. Beautiful ankle-high grass. It was hard to comprehend that this was probably the most beautiful place in District 12. And that the Capitol had made it this way.

   Out of the corner of my eye I sensed someone’s presence. Piper walked into the centre of the meadow, where I was sitting. Piper was my girlfriend. The ‘was’ is definitely prominent, but that’s a story for later.

   Piper sat down next to me and we kissed passionately. It was one of those kisses that you have before something bad could happen, before the possibility of death is about to come to you. We kissed for a long time, it was probably only a few seconds, but every moment I spent with her seemed like a millennia, I never wanted us to be apart.

   “You scared?” she asked me, caressing my face with her hand as we drew apart.

   “Yeah, kind of” I said hesitantly “My name is in there thirty seven times. The odds are definitely not in my favour this year, nor have they ever been in my favour, I am surprised I have not been sent in there yet!”

   “Don’t be like that” Piper said comfortingly “There are a lot of people with their names in there more than you.”

   “Yeah, I suppose you’re right. I’m sorry” I muttered apologetically.

   “You are perfectly welcome, handsome boy” Piper said, and gave me a peck on the cheek.

   We walked hand in hand back to The Seam. I had a steady stream of nervous sweat emanating from my hands but that did not stop Piper from holding my hand until we reached her ramshackle home, not unlike mine, which was also in The Seam.

   “Look for me when you get there. Okay?” Piper asked.

   “Okay” I agreed.

   She walked elegantly up into her home and I walked the short distance down to my own. I walked inside to my mother’s angry face.

   “Where have you been?! She yelled.

   “I went for a walk, that’s all.”

   “We were supposed to leave ages ago; you know what the punishment for not turning up to The Reaping is.”

   The punishment for not turning up for The Reaping was death. I was not too sure what would happen if it was late. I could only assume that the punishment for turning up late was nearly as bad.

   “Jake! Your brother is home. We are going!” my mother yelled.

   We walked the few kilometres to the Justice Building. A stage had been set up directly in front of the large, dull building. Screens as big as my house were set up to either side of the stage and speakers were suspended in the air. Hundreds of children still filed through a line to a table where people took your blood and confirmed your identity. I walked, hand in hand, with my brother Jake.

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