Chapter seven

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Months came and went. Christmas eve arrived and I was put into quite the predicament. Y/n waved her hand in front of my face. "Markipoo?? You Okies??" She asked. We were sitting in the floor with santa hats on. We had gotten eachother one thing as per agreement. Her present sat on my lap still unopened. "Marki??" She said my name again trying to get my attention. Would she even want to go with me?

I looked at her and gulped. She had already opened the present I got her. A beautiful diamond strung on a gorgeous gold chain. She put her hand on my cheek and looked at me with worry in her eyes. "Is everything alright, honey?" She asked. I grabbed her hand and kissed it. "Before I open your gift.. I have a question. Would you like to go home with me in the morning to see my Mom and brother?" She smiled and said yes. Her arms went around my neck and she kissed me. I beamed with joy. "Now open!" She said patting the box on my lap. It wasn't that big of a box.. quite small to be honest. I unwrapped it and a brand new canon video camera greeted my hands. "This is so cool!" I smiled a toothy grin.

I quickly took it out of the box and hit record. "Smile for me, baby!" I laughed. She done a cute little pose and smiled. She blew a kiss to the camera and giggled. "I love you, Markipoo!!" She said to the camera. I turned it off and hugged her tight. "Thank you so much, baby girl!" We ended up kissing and our kisses once again escalated to sex. I blindfolded her with her Santa hat pulling it over her eyes and let's just say she jingled my bells.

We woke up in each other's arms. That was the best feeling in the world. Seeing her first thing in the morning. Her breath may have smelled of roadkill and eggnog but everything was perfect. From her messy tangled hair to her legs tangled with mine. I kissed her forehead softly and glanced at the clock behind her.

"Y/n Wake The Fuck Up We Gotta Go!!" I yelled receiving a punch in the face. "owie!" I held my now bloody nose. "Oh my God Markibaby are you okay you scared me I didn't mean to." She said about to cry. "I'm fine." I said pinching my nose. "We're gonna be late. I'll drop you off at your place for an hour and I need you to pack for a week." I nasally said still pinching my nostrils. "Go get dressed I'll be fine." I gave her a smile. She kissed my cheek and started getting dressed. I went to the bathroom to clean up. "Mean right hook, babe!" I yelled laughing. "I'm sorry!!!" She yelled. I laughed and wiped the blood off my face.

I quickly got dressed and drove her to her house. "Be back in an hour gorgeous." I said giving her a kiss and driving off. I got packed and threw my luggage in the trunk of my Tesla. I only had one bag. I got to y/n's early. I honked the horn to announce my arrival. She bolted out the door with three bags. "Two bags are Christmas presents." She giggled throwing them in the back seat. "You're so sweet." I smiled. I thought for a moment. "When did you get time to Christmas shop?" I asked. "I got packed really quickly and I drove down to the general store just down the road." She smiled."You're super cute but get seat-belted our flight leaves at 6." She got in the car and shut her door and I sped down her drive way. "I thought we were driving there.." she gulped. I reached over and grabbed her hand. "You'll be okay." I said keeping my eyes on the road. Within an hour we were at the airport.

We quickly grabbed our shit and ran through the airport. We went through all the checks and got there just before the door shut. I bought our tickets online so I had to show her my phone. But we made it. "First class, Mr. And Mrs.Fischbach." the flight attendant spoke. I looked back at y/n who was blushing madly. We found our seats. She sat in the isle and she immediately seat-belted. "Nice touch with first class Mr.Fischbach." she giggled. "You're welcome Mrs.Fischbach." I said kissing her cheek. She punched my arm.

"So, is Fischbach your real name?" She asked squeezing my hand. "Yep." I smiled. The flight started taking off. "Oh shit." She started hyperventilating. "Shhh." I hushed her putting my arm around her. She instantly relaxed. Once we were in the air a waitress type flight attendant came to us. "Would you like a refreshment?" She asked. "If it's brown pour it!" Y/n said. "I'll have a bourbon." I said. The flight attendant smiled and walked to the back taking others orders.

"You're okay." I said kissing her. "Yeah, I'm okay." She said as the attendant came back with our drinks. "I thought you could use something stronger." She said handing y/n some vodka and me my bourbon. Y/n instantly drank every drop. "Another please." She requested. The attendant looked at her funny and walked to the back again to refill her drink. "Wanna try my bourbon?" I asked. She grabbed my glass taking a big drink. "Thanks sweetie." She said handing me back my now nearly empty glass. "I love you." I said drinking the rest of my bourbon. The attendant came back with her vodka and another bourbon for me. "I had a feeling you'd both need more." She smiled taking my empty glass and handing me the new one. "Thank you." I said handing her a 10. She winked at me and walked off.

The rest of the flight went smoothly. Y/n finally relaxed thanks to the booze. "Love you, handsome." She said giggling. "Love you too, beautiful." I said kissing her head. We landed and I arranged for my brother Thomas to pick us up. We jumped off the plane and went through baggage claim. He was standing at the bottom of the escalator. "Mark!!" He yelled my name waving. "Hey man!" I said reaching the bottom of the escalator and giving him a big hug. Y/n stood behind me awkwardly. "Thomas this is y/n. My girl." She blushed and stuck her hand out to shake his. "Nice to meet you." She said sheepishly. They shook hands. "Like wise.." he said. "Mark, she very pretty." He said winking at her. "Don't make her anymore nervous than she is, Thomas." I growled. "Alright, I'm just teasing. In fact I have a present for you both in the car." He smiled devilishly.

We walked through the airport and to his car. "Back seat you two." He said popping the trunk for our luggage and getting in the driver's seat. We threw our bags in and y/n opened the door to get in the car. I was still shutting the trunk when I heard her scream my name. Then a thud and her hair sprawled on the ground. "Y/n!?"

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