Chapter five

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Books, books, and more books. That's all that mattered until I met her. Reading and writing was my life besides my coffee. I stared at her sleeping face in my bed. Her mouth hung open and her hair was a complete mess. It was knotted and tangled from where my hands had gripped it the night before.

I pulled the quilt up on her shoulders a bit more making sure she was warm. She stirred a bit and her small slim curves were outlined by the quilt. I slid out of bed to make breakfast. I quietly shut the door and sneaked to the kitchen. I started up some pancakes. In the middle of my pouring of my fifth pancake y/n snuck up behind me and I accidentally flipped pancake batter on her. I turned around slowly. "I'm so so sorry you spooked me.. I'm so sorry." I pleaded. She licked some batter off her lip. "Delicious." She giggled.

"Do you have an ibuprofen or anything?" She asked. "Yeah,go straight through that door," I said pointing to the bathroom, "and take a shower and I'll have you some pain killers and breakfast ready." I licked some batter off her cheek and she smiled and went into the bathroom. Just as she went through the door the sheet she had wrapped around her hit the floor and she looked back at me to wink. The door shut and I yelled, "Tease!" I heard her laughter echo in the bathroom.

I finished the pancakes and had two plates full. Coffee was pouring into a cup from the Keurig. I started picking up a bit. I threw out a bunch of papers that were scattered everywhere. I wiped down the coffee table in front of the couch. "Mark?" Y/n called for me. "Yeah?" I answered. "Can you bring me some clothes please?" She asked. "Yeah, one second!" I yelled. "Okay, take your time! Can I use your shampoo?" "Go for it!"

I quickly ran into the bedroom and gathered up her clothes. "Be right back I have to grab my mail!" Which was a total lie. I went to the public laundry room and threw her clothes in the dryer to get them warm. A few minutes later I was back at my apartment and she was singing. "Is that seven Nation army I hear?" I asked opening the bathroom door with her folded warm clothes. She smiled at me through the glass door. I stepped back out of the bathroom and shut the door behind me.

I had picked up all the clothes in the floor, sheets were back on the bed, papers were either neatly stacked or thrown away, ...wait fuck. I grabbed the vacuum and quickly ran around sucking up the dirt. I put the vacuum away and put our warm pancakes on the coffee table and our coffee. Just as I sat on the couch y/n came out with a towel around her hair and she was dressed. "You are so sweet." She grinned. She sat next to me on the couch. "Mmm if they taste as good as the batter I'm in for a treat." She spoke grabbing her plate and fork. She cut out a big bite and pushed it in her mouth. "My God, Mark! You should be a chef! Speaking of which what is your job?" She asked. I guess she has no idea who I am..

"I'm a writer." I spoke softly. "Really? Are you published?" She asked through her mouth of pancakes. I took a small bite of mine and smiled. "Yeah, published multiple times." I said. She looked at me weird. "What have you written?" She asked setting her empty plate on the table. "Well... Let's just say I've been on the number one list for a while..." "Mark.. are you Mark Edward?" She asked. I hung my head a bit. "Do you want an autograph?" I grinned awkwardly.

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