Murder and Justice

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After the successful infiltration, I have killed five students and one teacher. I counted the last victim as their lifeless body lay on the floor in front of me, legs and head beheaded, blood ubiquitous painting the walls, desk, and floor red. I lick my lips at the delicious sight. Seven. 

I glance at the giant wall glass and studied my reflection. I was covered in blood with splotches on my face and legs, even my dress which I just got washed is stained. I shrug, guess I'll have to clean it again. I turn around and exit the murder scene. I look around to see if any more people were around. Far away, I can see two Nomus chasing a female student down the corridor. She raises her hand and black like substances shoot from her hand. As she uses her Quirk to cover the Nomus in complete black, the Nomus continue forward like its nothing, shaking it off. The girl gasps as her powers are ineffective to the monsters. One of the Nomus launches itself forward to the girl and headbutts (in this case brainbutts) her stomach and slammed into a wall in effect. She choked up blood and blast more inky substance on them for a final attempt, but this time as soon as it touched the Nomus it molded into black chains restraining the beasts. It looks like this is where I step in. As the Nomus wiggle to escape, the girl takes this chance and bolts away from them. Before she can get any further I, out of nowhere, blocks her path. She stops immediately and stares at me in fear and confusion. When she noticed my lack of uniform she gets into a fighting stance.

"Who are you!?" she shouts, trying to show her bravery and fearfulness, but oh do I know so well she's very afraid.

I don't answer her question, I just stalk towards her showing off my bloody pocket knife. She flinches at the sight of my blood-covered knife and starts to tremble backing away when I come forward. I smile when she blasts a ball covered black slime at me and I dodge with ease. The girl's natural instincts turn on that I'm dangerous so she turns around and flashes out running. I chuckle to myself as I watch the girl run. Poor girl, she thinks she can get away that easily? I held out my pocket knife and accurately threw the knife. The knife hits the bullseye on the girls back. She halts and flops forward on the ground. She was still alive though, she grunted as she held herself up and attempted to crawl away. I walked in front of her and kneeled down so she can look me in the eye. She gasps and realizes she has nowhere to go so tears burst out of her eyes as she looked at me in fright.

"Please...I beg you...don't kill me," she pleaded trying to get sympathy out of me. I smile at the girl's attempts. No puppy eyes will ever conceive me, she can try all she wants to because no emotions will be shown. Growing tired of her disgusting tears and frightful eyes, I plunge my knife deep into her body making sure I hit her heart. The girl's eyes widen in shock followed by her head falling to the ground. Blood started to spread from under her, reaching my heels. I stand up and take one last look at the girl's body. The blood extent more and more. 


Oh, how entertaining this is. I'm so glad I got to be a part of this mission. I glance over to the struggling Nomus and strut towards them. I raise my knife and slash the chains holding them, causing the chains to shatter and disappear into nothing. The Nomus stand up and bowed their heads, signaling their thanks. I waved as they continued their mission and stormed out of the hallway. I smiled and started walking the opposite direction. Using my Quirk, I spy with my red eyes, five dots gathered in one room. I smirk sinfully as I advance towards the dots.


Izuku and Uraraka were chatting up a storm as they walked down the streets of the city. The streets were bustling and it was pretty crowded. Izuku got discharged after he has awoken. Uraraka talked about her life and what was going on meanwhile he was asleep. They laughed at jokes and told stories. She took him to her favorite cafe and they ordered some lunch and drinks. She also told him over the two years how she improved her Quirk so she's a lot stronger than before. As they chatted they halted to hear far away screaming and crashes. Nearby passersby look at the direction of the screaming and see mobs of people running towards them shouting. As they run in fear past them Uraraka grabs one of them and pulls them out of the herd. 

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