Memories and Missions

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Izuku eyes snapped open as he awakens. The first thing he sees is him on a bed, ceiling... Is he in a hospital? What happened? He sat up on the bed he laid on and searched around. That last thing he remembers is... memory flashes at the bloody scene where a blade have literally gone through his stomach. He gagged at the thought, how was he alive. He brushed his hand against his abdomen and felt for any injuries. There were none. No blood, no wound no nothing. He is healthy like nothing ever happened. As he pondered more as he gasped.


Was she okay? How long since I fell unconscious? Where am-
His train of thought was interrupted by the door swinging open. Ochako Uraraka was standing there huffing and puffing seems like she ran all the way here. Her eyes widen as she saw the awaken Izuku on the bed. Her face flushed and tears immediately came flowing. Before Midoriya could open his mouth she pounced on him and gave him the most bone-crushing hug she's ever given, sobbing on his chest.

"I-Izuku I'm so glad y-you're okay I was so w-worried!!" She sniffed at her words. Enlightened to see Izuku again and breathing. Izuku smiled warmly at the girl sobbing on him. He's glad his friends were worried about him. He pats her head to comfort her and tell her he's fine. Izuku had a lot of questions so it was great timing that she is here.

"Hey, Uraraka, do you know how long I've been unconscious?" Izuku first said. Uraraka looked up at him with a mournful expression.

"Two years."

Izuku stared at her jaw dropped shocked. What!?

"Two years!?" He repeated eyes widen. She nodded her head. Izuku groaned and held his hand to his face. Has it been that long? He couldn't believe he slept for so long.

"What changed when I was asleep?" Izuku next asked.

Uraraka cocked her head to the side, giving a reassuring smile, "Not that much has changed, everyone graduated U.A academy and went their own separate paths. All Might and the teachers are still here and..." she trailed off frowning. "There has been more villain activity since the incident where you got.. you know. So a lot of citizens have been murdered and more villains are growing and expanding stronger." She straightens up as she explained wiping the remaining tears from her eyes.

More villains? Since the incident? As he thought an important person popped up to mind which made him jump.

"Wait! Where's Ayaka!" Izuku yelled his voice with vital and grabbing her shoulders firmly. Uraraka looks taken aback by the sudden change in mood.

"Ayaka? As in... Ayaka Kimoto your childhood friend?"

Izuku nodded his head slowly. Uraraka's face fell and she averted her eyes from showing him how guilty she was.

"...After the incident when heroes and police arrived at the scene she was gone without a trace. The police assumed she was kidnapped by the villain. I'm sorry Izuku," her voice went quiet at 'gone'.

Izuku stared at her aghast. She's been, kidnapped!? No... it was his fault and he allowed her to get taken. He clenched his fist hard, trembling holding back tears.

"Do you have any clues where she might have gone?" He asked without raising his head. He would search for her to the ends of the Earth. No, he can't say goodbye to her without telling her his true feelings yet. Not yet.

Uraraka looked up at him and nodded. "We know she has been taken by a villain so she's obviously in their headquarters but the heroes are still searching for it so we don't know exactly."

Izuku nods in agreement and thought to himself. He hopes she's not in any kind of danger, she in the hands of villains will break her. He shudders at the thought of them doing experiments on her. He has to save her from them no matter what. He looked towards his bandage wrapped arms. Will he be able to save her with his quirk in this state? He sighed and frowned to himself.

Uraraka took his silence as he is done with his questions and slid off the bed. "Well, if it makes you feel better I'll get some tea prepared for you to freshen your mind," she offered sweetly making her way to the door.
Izuku turned to her and nodded smiling back. "Tea would be nice right now."


I found myself in the headquarters lounge bar to discuss my mission I received. As I entered I spotted Kurogiri and Tomura chatting at the bar counter. Kurogiri spotted me and motioned me to join the conversation. I sat on a stool next to Tomura and sighed deeply.

"Let's get this over with, spill the details and let's go," I scoffed impatiently. I want to hurry up to the location, I haven't cut anyone up since the last mission and that felt very long ago. Kurogiri chuckles at my restless response.

"Of course. I think you will enjoy this particular quest, Ayaka. You won't be killing just one person," Kurogiri smirks as Tomura sips a glass of beer.

This has perked my interest. Won't be killing one he says? Is he implying? "Go on," I stare at him with curiosity in my eyes.

Kurogiri saw my interest and continued. "The Master plans to use most of our force to raid a hero academy nearby named U.A where they teach youngins. Master wants the League to grow so we need more despair to rain on this town of Musatafu and get rid of useless heroes."

I thought to myself as he talked. U.A? Now that she thinks about it she did hear of a school like that existing but she didn't look into it much. That named clicked something off in my memories.

"Really, Deku?! You also got accepted into U.A!! That's great I'm so proud of you!" I squealed as I heard the news.

"Yeah! Thanks, Ayaka! I couldn't do it without your help," Izuku beamed at me magnifying his excitement.

I giggled and hugged him close. "This is great! We're going to the same hero school!"

Izuku gasped at my sudden contact but wrapped his arms around me back nodding. "Yeah!"

"Ayaka, are you listening?"

I was snapped back to reality by Kurogiri's voice and Tomura who was staring at me. I slowly shook my head and leaned on the counter with my hand supporting my resting head and elbow on the counter.

"Yes. Now, what's my job? Do I kill everyone in the school?" I sighed. I'm quite the merciless killer. Whether its children, teens or elder folks. If they get in my way they get slashed no 'buts' about it. I do not hesitate when I swing my knife.

"You can kill anyone you like, the main purpose of this mission is to test out the newly made Nomus and gather information about the students and Pro Heroes there," Kuroguri explained.

I flinched. "Nomus? We're finally going to see them in action?" I looked up at him. Boring him with my red eyes. He glanced at me and nodded. "We finished the experiments so this is the perfect test."

"That means we can also kill All Might if he shows up, right?" Tomura spoke up, a slight sly smirk on his bruised face.

"It's optional but I'd prefer if you avoid contact with Pro Heroes as much as possible, but go right ahead if you think you got the chance," Kurogiri responded, shrugging. "After we are done with our mission we imminently retreat, got it? Any more questions?"

Tomura and I glanced at each other for a second but nod our heads in understanding. Kurogiri smiled and clasped his hands together. "Alright, let's go shall we?"

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