Looking fine.

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Alyssa stood in front of the mirror, looking pissed off. She glanced, seeing it was 6:50 pm. She turned to Robert with a glare. "I'm not wearing this on a first date, to buffalo wild wings, in winter." She stated.

Robert rolled his eyes. "You look fine. I don't see the problem." There was a problem. Big problem.

Alyssa had on a short skirt and a tight tank top with high heels. "I look like a fucking stripper." She sighed.

Robert rolled his eyes and went to her closet. "Fine, if that won't due, how's this?" He grabbed some clothes and yeeted them to Alyssa.

She easily caught the clothes and hurried into her bathroom to change. She walked out shortly with a smirk.

"Now, this is much better." She had on a pair of dark blue jeans that showed off dat ass, a nicely fitting long-sleeved grey shirt, dark brown boots that went to below her knee, and a dark brown leather jacket.

Robert nodded, quickly texting someone something. "Perfect. I'm so proud." He wiped a fake tear.

Alyssa rolled her eyes as she checked her outfit once more. "Who are you even texting, Joseph?" She asked.

Robert blushed very subtly. "No. I'm not." He stated. That was enough for Alyssa.

She ran over and snatched his phone, taking off down her stairs. Robert was pissed and scared of what she'd see.

"Alyssa! Give me my fucking phone, right now!" He yelled as he followed her.

"No, fuck you!" She laughed as she looked at his phone. He was texting Joseph.

The Christian boy send nudes.

"OH MY FUCKING EYES!" She screamed before yeeting the phone. Robert dived, barely managing to catch it, but he caught it no less.

"Oh, damn..." He breathed out as he saw the unholy pictures. Alyssa looked at him, confused.

"Why the fuck?!" She exclaimed, closing her eyes, trying to erase the image from her mind.

"Why the fuck not?" He laughed and stood up. "Now let's go, I don't want you to be late, bitch." He encouraged.

Alyssa sighed and grabbed her keys, putting on her scarf. "Whatever, whore." She huffed.

Robert smiled softly at her. "Have fun on your date, ho!" He exclaimed.

"Fuck you, slut." Alyssa grinned. "Love you!" She shouted before closing the door.

Robert chuckled. "Love you more!" He yelled. He looked down at his phone again to see an invitation to Josephs house.

He'd never ran to grab his keys so quickly before.


Craig chuckled as his daughters tried to help him get ready. Key word: tried.

"Okay, girls. That's enough gel, don't you think?" He commented as they smeared the substance on his head.

Briar rolled her eyes. "Fine! But don't come crying to us when a hair gets out of place." Hazel warned.

Craig shook his head softly as he picked up River. "Now, you girls are going to be good for Mat, right?" He asked.

The twins groaned and nodded. "Yes, dad." Briar sighed.

"You already hid the car keys, your wallet, your ID, and any rope from the garage. Not much to do." Hazel added.

Craig smiled at his girls, giving them each a kiss on the forehead. "Alright, alright. Just behave and take care of River."

Briar nodded. "Alright, just remember to have fun with Alyssa." She reminded.

Hazel smirked. "Yeah, but not too much fun. You're still a parent." She teased.

Craig blushed brightly at her comment. "Hazel! We don't speak like this!" He exclaimed.

Briar rolled her eyes. "But you always encourage us to tell the truth!" She giggled.

Craig sighed. "How about you girls go put River down for her nap, hm?" He suggested.

The twins agreed and went to River's nursery to put her in her crib. Meanwhile, he did his best to wash the gel out of his hair and dry it.

He grabbed his keys, seeing Mat start to pull into his driveway. Craig walked outside and greeted Mat, starting to give him the speech he gave all babysitters.

"Okay, don't worry. I've babysat for you many times before, Craig." Mat chuckled as Craig started to warn him about them getting the car keys.

Craig laughed lightly, rubbing his neck. "Sorry, bro. Guess I'm just a bit nervous. Well, don't give them any processed sugars after 9. Goodluck, dude." He stated before going to his car.

He got in and took a deep breath before starting the car and backing out of the driveway. He drove to the restaurant that was fairly close by, parking in none other than the parking lot.

He got out and quickly popped a breath strip into his mouth since he didn't want to greet the girl he's on a date with, with bad breath.

He walked into the restaurant, seeing she wasn't there yet. Oh well. He went and got a booth, waiting for her to be there.

He heard the door open and sat up straight only to see

To be continued.

I'm evil and heartless, I know! Hope you guys liked it. I'm going to start with a bit of drama in the story so yeah! See you in the next chapter. Adiós, and stay gay (ThAt CaN mEaN hApPy Or HoMo I dOnT jUdGe)!

Better TogetherNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ