i'm not that girl

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This is my first songfic so it's probably shit

3rd Person

Hands touch, eyes meet

Y/n watched as Mike ran off, leaving her in the woods. She looked at her hand, the hand he just been holding.

She stood there, her eyes closed. All she could see were Mike Wheeler's beautiful eyes. They held so much emotion.

Sudden silence, sudden heat

She smiled at the image of his eyes in her mind. As she pictured him, everything around her fell silent. It was just her and her thoughts.

Her face was heating up, turning a rosy red colour. Who knew one boy could cause this? She had to go after him.

Hearts leap in a giddy whirl

She heard his voice in the distance. So she ran. Her heart was almost breaking out of her chest from beating so hard.

He could be that boy

There he was. His beautiful hair, beautiful face, beautiful everything. He was, in y/n's eyes, absolutely perfect.

But I'm not that girl

Y/n watched as Mike slid his hand into the hand of another girl. Of course. He already had someone. Was that really a suprise, given how perfect ge is?

Don't dream too far

Throughout the next few weeks, Mike was the only thing crowding y/n's thoughts. She dreamt about what it would be like, being with him.

Don't lose sight of who you are

But then she would remember that he already had someone. Someone that wasn't her.

And why would he ever have her? El had practically saved Hawkins, and what had she done? She had sat on the sidelines, not getting to play a part at all.

Don't remember that rush of joy

Maybe she should just forget about Mike. Maybe find someone else. Someone who actually cares for her.

Would that make her feel better? Or would that make her feel worse?

He could be that boy
I'm not that girl

Every so often we long to steal
To the land of what-might-have-been

Fantasies of Mike still filled y/n's mind. He was all she thought about. It probably wasn't healthy, but she was completely smitten.

She just couldn't help it. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw herself with Mike.

Holding hands with Mike, cuddling with him in his basement, kissing him.

But that doesn't soften the ache we feel
When reality sets back in

But then, she would open her eyes, and see Mike and Eleven. Mike and y/n were only fantasies. Mike and Eleven was reality.

Blithe smile, lithe limb
She who's winsome, she wins him

You couldn't blame Mike for falling for El. She was gorgeous. And her complete innocence with almost everything was adorable.

But she was still stealing the boy y/n wanted.

Gold hair with a gentle curl
That's the girl he chose

The moment El walked into that hallway, in a pink dress and a blonde wig, y/n knew that Mike was falling.

But she continued to convince herself that he wasn't. That Mike would eventually fall for her.

And Heaven knows
I'm not that girl

Oh how wrong she was.

Don't wish, don't start
Wishing only wounds the heart

After the Snowball, y/n gave up. Just the thought of Mike made her heart hurt. Yes, she still loved him.

She wished Mike loved her. She wished that he hadn't fallen for El. She wished that her heart wouldn't hurt everytime she heard Mike's name.

I wasn't born for the rose and pearl

Maybe, a nice life with a boy she loved, and a nice house, and good friends was not what the world had in store for her.

There's a girl I know


He loves her so


I'm not that girl...


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