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Y/n's P.O.V

I knew he wasn't happy with me. I knew he would rather be with El. But El wasn't here. So he was stuck with me.

I wasn't the girl he loved. I wasn't the one he wanted to spend time with. I wasn't who he wanted to be with.

El was.

The girl I called my best friend was.

A few weeks after El disappeared after saving us from the Demogorgon, Mike asked me out on a date.

I couldn't believe it. I'd had a crush on him for years, and my fantasies were becoming real.

But later on, as Lucas would bring to my attention, he was dating me to cope with losing El. I never brought this up, because I didn't want to ruin what we had.

If we had anything.

So, one day, I decided to go to his house and tell him something. A speech that I'd been reciting the whole week.

Hopefully something that would ease both him and me.

His mom answered the door, and let me in, saying that Mike was in the basement.

I made my way down the stairs, only to see Mike sitting under the table where El used to stay.

He was on his Super Com, unsurprisingly, and he was talking... to El. But there was no response. El wasn't on the other end. She couldn't hear him.


He looked up, and waved awkwardly in my direction.

"Oh, uh, hey... y/n."

"Can I... talk... to you for a second?"

He nodded, and stood up from the floor and moved to the sofa. I sat down next to him and took a deep breath.

"Okay, so. I just want to clear something up first; are you in love with Eleven?"

He hesitated at first, but nodded after a while. I quickly wiped the sad expression off my face and continued.

"Okay. Right well, I just wanted to tell you that, if El ever comes back... know that I won't be upset if you leave me for her."

That was a lie. And Mike knew it. I would be upset if he left me. But, he would just be another person I'd lost to the madness of Hawkins.

First my sister, then my best friend, and now Mike.

"Y-y/n... I-i-i... promise?"


He had the cutest smile on his face. But that smile wasn't caused by me. It was caused by memories of Eleven.

"I... I'm don't know what to say."

"Just shut up and thank me before I take back everything I just said."

Mike laughed a bit after that, but it was only quick as he soon became more serious.

"Y/n. What did the world do to deserve someone like you."

He pulled me into a tight hug and my breath hitched. He'd... he'd never done that before.

All we'd even done was hold hands and have quick hugs. Nothing like this. And I loved it. This was what I wanted.

The feeling of being loved and being appreciated. It was a wonderful feeling.

Maybe, just maybe I could pull ahead of El in the game of love, the prize being Mike's heart.

Too bad it ended so soon.

Only weeks later, Eleven reappeared at the Byers' house. It was at the exact moment El stepped through the door that I knew I had lost the game of love.

El had won.

Mike hugged her. It held more affection than any hug we shared.

Mike and El were destined for each other.

Mike and Y/n were not.

As they hugged, my heart broke further. Any more, and it would be dust.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Lucas and Dustin giving me sympathetic looks.

But I wasn't allowed to be upset. I made him a promise.

One that I intended to keep for as long as I'll shall live.

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