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3rd Person

Y/n hopped out of her sister's car, waving goodbye. Over by the bike rack, Dustin, Lucas and Mike stood, watching the h/c haired girl.

Mike had just recently asked out the girl, and she had said yes. Everyone told him that he was too young to be dating, but he believed he was mature enough.

"Hey Mike," y/n smiled, leaning up and kissing Mike on the cheek, "hey guys."

Dustin waved, and Lucas nodded awkwardly. They weren't used to their friend being in a relationship.

"Well well well, if it isn't the Princess and the Frog. Oh look, Toothless and Midnight are here too."

Y/n groaned, turning around to face Troy.

"Go away, Troy. We don't have time for this. And don't call me Princess. It's weird."

But Troy wouldn't go away. He continued to pick on the four kids. Until y/n had finally had enough, she stormed up to Troy, shoving him backwards.

He fell onto the concrete, hard.

"Don't mess with me, or my friends ever again. You hear me? Ever."

Mike watched in awe. He had never seen this side of y/n. He liked this side of y/n.


"What do you mean Will's gone missing!?" Y/n shouted, looking at the three boys who had just come out of the principal's office.

"Last night, apparently, he never came home. But they found his bike in the forest near his house." Mike started explaining, trying to calm down his now-frantic girlfriend.

"Wait, they found his bike? Do you think he was kidnapped!?" Y/n was really freaking out now. Will was one of her closest friends and now he was gone.

Y/n began to cry a bit, and Mike immediately hugged her.

"Shh, I'm sure he's fine. Will's strong. Nothing will happen to him."

Mike hated seeing y/n sad. He didn't like this side of her.


"Guys. Go grab some clothes from Mike's room. I'll stay down here with her."

After the boys got back from Mike's room, they saw that y/n had managed to have a normal conversation with the strange girl they found.

"Everyone, this Eleven. We'll call her El for short. El, this is Lucas, Dustin and Mike."

Mike handed y/n the clothes, and she told the boys to leave. When they came back, y/n was hugging the bald girl.

Mike liked seeing y/n be almost like a sister to this new girl. This was one of his favourite sides of y/n.


Over the next few days with El, Mike saw many sides of y/n.

He saw her badass side, her loving girlfriend side, her jealous side and her mother-like side.

After El disappeared, y/n had fewer sides. Mike only ever saw her sad and loving girlfriend side.

And Mike did not like this. He just wanted his old girlfriend back. The one with tons of sides, each of which he loved and hated for different reasons.

Mike had thought that, with Will back, y/n would have her happy, bubbly side again. But she still didn't.

And when Max joined the party, y/n's angry side came back. She was sick of party members just coming and going. Mike had to agree with her on that.

Then, a very happy day came. El had returned. Y/n was the first to hug her, as El saw y/n as her sister and best friend.

Y/n's different sides came back. Mike finally got to see her happy and caring sides again. How he had missed those sides.

And when they were in the weird upside down passages, her badass side returned. Mike was extremely happy to see his girlfriend returning to the way she used to be.


10 years later, Mike watched as y/n, the love of his life, walked down the aisle, bouquet in hand.

He wasn't used to seeing y/n in a dress, and he thought she looked absolutely gorgeous.

She reached the altar, where Mike stood, hypnotized by the beauty of the woman in front of him.

El and Max stood at her side, and Dustin and Lucas stood by his.

After they were announced as husband and wife, and they had kissed, Mike leaned over and whispered in her ear.

"This is definitely my favourite side of you."

I have never loved and hated something as much as I love and hate this

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