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"Alexander? Alex?!" Thomas found himself screaming as he stood in the rain and stared at the sight in front of him. Teardrops and rain fell down his cheeks and the shock of his mind blocked him out from the world and he couldn't hear anything but his own thoughts. Suddenly he was pulled aside by a man who appeared to have arrived on the ambulance. He hesitated slightly before tearing his gaze away from Alex's car to the man and he looked over his uniform before falling onto a name tag that read 'Mike.' He scanned the tag, seeing that the name was written in a blue sharpie that matched the blue of his shirt and it was in a medical professional's chicken scratch next to a neatly printed first aid symbol. 

"...know this man?" When Thomas finally regained focus and the shock faded slightly, he managed to catch the end of what Mike was saying. "Wha-" the realization hit him; "y-yes I do! Is he okay?? C-Can I go-" He was cut off with a quick 'lets go' and he was practically dragged the ambulance where Alexander lay bloody and unconscious. He had to sand in the back and out of the way of the paramedics who were working on Alex on the way to the hospital. A sharp pain hit Thomas' chest as he teared up again; it may have seemed like he hated Alexander but that wasn't true. He felt the exact opposite. 


"Wait... What do you mean he's in a coma? Is he going to make it??" Thomas was in the waiting room getting worked up for the hundredth time that day as he spoke to the head surgeon who worked on Alexander. In his defense, he had now been there for over twelve hours without any sleep. Alexander didn't have any family and all his closest friends were in some other country; Lafayette and Hercules had moved to France a few years back, John was traveling for research and was currently in Australia; and the Schuyler sisters were in London with their father. No one could make it until at least tomorrow and Thomas couldn't handle it. He was trembling as the doctor continued to talk after sighing. It was better to get it all out of the way now. 

"Mr. Hamilton suffered through too much trauma and he is in a coma. His condition now is so terrible that he has only a few days to wake up before his support system can no longer work. He will die. I am so terribly sorry." Thomas covered his mouth and squeezed his eyes shut as tears ran down his cheeks; he felt like he was going to be sick but the doctor had to continue. "Mr. Jefferson, we believe that Mr. Hamilton is not going to pull through this. We are doing everything we can to make sure he wakes up but the chances are slim to none. The doctor tried her best to keep Thomas up in her arms so he didn't fall to the ground when he felt his knees go weak. He was now shaking vigorously as  he cried out. 

The doctor had to call a couple of people in to help her calm Thomas down and get him into a quiet area; unfortunately it took him a full half hour to do so and he was in a daze when he calmed fully. He didn't want to move or do much of anything but the nurses that came to help insisted on him getting something to eat and some water; he was dehydrated from all the crying and he hadn't eaten since a day before the accident. Thankfully he was able to function a bit better and he was calm after he ate and relaxed a little. Once the nurses knew he was stable, they sent him home for the night and told him that he could come back when visiting hours started; at 10:00 am. 


The next morning he got there as early as he was allowed to see Alex. In almost an instant of entering the room, Thomas was by Alexander's side and in tears. He pilled over a chair and sat down, weakly holding his hand as he did. "Lexi... I'm so sorry... Please wake up. I need you to be here... I-I love you.." Thomas sobbed as he pressed his forehead to Alex's hand. "Since when does the great Thomas Jefferson say he 'loves' Alexander Hamilton" 

Lafayette's thick French accent rang through the room as he came into the door, trying to break the hard emotions in the room; yet, that wasn't enough to even cut through the thickness of the dread and tension in the room. Thomas jolted upright at the sound of his voice and sniffed as he turned to face him. "Since when do you use  less than three French words in your sentences when you speak?" Thomas joked back and wiped the tears from his eyes as Lafayette chuckled. "Ever since you became lazy with yours." The two men laughed as Thomas got up and went to go hug his friend. 

"I've really missed you Laf... I definitely need you both here." Thomas sighed and paused "speaking of, where is Hercules?" he quirked an eyebrow as he asked, only just now realizing that Hercules wasn't there. "Herc spilt his juice in the car and has to clean it up. I swear you-" he was cut off by Hercules running up and clamping a hand over Lafayette's mouth. There was a ring on his finger that sparkled greatly but Hercules was the complete opposite of the happy looking diamond. He was red in the face and panting hard "Don't you dare tell him!" He pouted like a kid, seemingly embarrassed. Thomas raised an eyebrow at them both before realizing Hercules was in a onesie and had a juice box in his hand. Thomas chuckled an shook is head "So the rumors about you being a little were true, huh?" Thomas smirked playfully and ruffled his hair, causing Herc to blush.

The boys got as comfortable as they could in the hospital room, talking and catching up after Herc and Lafayette went to see Alexander up close. Catching up seemed to be the easiest thing for them to do; it helped keep them all from getting over emotional over all the current events. Into a bit of the conversation Lafayette mentioned that him and Hercules had planned on getting married sometime next summer and they invited Thomas. 

"So, would you ever marry monsieur Alexander?" Lafayette teased Thomas with a smirk causing the Virginian to blush. "Oh come on Lafayette, we haven't even had a civil conversation between each other yet, how in the hell would we even come close to marrying?" He laughed with a hit of bitterness but in a playful tone with Laf; Hercules, however, remained quiet. 

"What is wrong Mon Cher?" Lafayette asked Hercules upon realizing he was quiet, causing him to sigh. "Alexander and I have been figuring out how he could ask Thomas out." he said quietly, not looking up. "Alex really likes him... But he's always been too scared to ask..."  The three of them became for a solid minute before Thomas abruptly stood and left the room, tears streaming down his face as he did.

 "If Alexander dies, I'll never get to tell him how I really feel..."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2017 ⏰

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