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Well as she crosses the restaurant's door trying to help V to stand up, she must admit that yes, he was that type of person

- You'll be fine Jisoo? You sure?? Asks Rosé

As she's pregnant, she must be the only one left with Jisoo to have more blood than alcohol in her veins

- Yes he doesn't live far from here, I'm going to take care of him! Aswers Jisoo holding her laugh as Taehyung was sticking his tong, wincing

- Okay I'll let it to you...I still have to deal with my...YAAA JIMIN, JUNGKOOK PUT YOUR SHITRTS BACK ON

Jisoo laughs out loud and waves at Rosé.

She starts to walk as best as she can

- C'mon V you're heavy and taller than me, make an effort! She encourages him

- Ha ha ha V you're taller than me! It rimes, you're reallly prreettttyyyy babbyy, he rambles shaking his head from left to right

Blushing again Jisoo tries to focus on the road

- You're lucky you're cute even when you're drunk, Jisoo softly smiles

Suddendly V stops and holds his chest painfully, falling on his knees.

Jisoo let herself falls and grabs his face, panicking

- What's wrong????!!!

Tae looks at her with a serious but softer face

- Every time you tell me something like that it hurts in my chest

Jisoo stops for her moment looking at him with widened eyes

She was like that: she doesn't have shame, she expresses herself wildly, always complementing and telling him she loves him. But he was not like that, he just accepts it and pats her head so seing him like that was moving

- Taeh...

- Oh look at that there is an hamburger snack still opened!!! I want a humburger!!!Runs a shaking V

Jisoo rolls her eyes

- What the...come back here!!!

- Ha ha ha come and get meeee!!!

The girl tries her best to catch him and thankfully the alcohol makes him really slow but he is already in front of the shop

- C'mon Tae that's not funny let's just go home, says Jisoo out of breath pulling his sleeves

- Noooooo I want to eat I'm hungggrryyyy

Jisoo eyes the shop , the dust on the floor, the yellow on the white walls, and the weird looking guys staring at them

- Please, don't throw a tantrum I'm tired, she says with a sharp voice

- Yaaaa you're not funnnnyyyy let me eeaaattt Jin-hyung eat all the meat in the hamburgers he always do that and I couldn't have anyyy...he pouts then looks at Jisoo with puppy eyes

She sights

- Ok ok go and sat on the bench I'll get one for you

A few minute later V was happily eating his burger, who looked very suspicious to his girlfriend. She tries to warn him but she's a bit tired and just want to go home

On the way Jisoo feels her boyfriend heads falling on her shoulder and his weight being more important

He was half asleep

She grabs hi head the best she can

- Hey hey sweetheart we're almost there, hold on

- Hum...

She tries her best and keeps cheering him up all the way, the staircase being the ultimate step

- We're almost there, a little bit more...

She is now almost carrying him.

She grabs the key in his pocket and finds her way to his bedroom

She literally let him fall on the bed

- Oups...sorry...anyway you'll not remember this tomorrow...she laughs for herself

- Jisoo...I'm not feeling...

Suddendly he crowls to the bathroom and she heard him vomiting.

She gulps: she can't stand that

She takes a deep breath and goes to him, she caresses his back trying her best to not get sick herself

- I told you the hamburger was a bad idea you glutton...

From there, she helps him undress, puts the sheets on him, make sure he drinks some water and take a medicine, and she sits next to him on the ground, stroking his head.

She is falling asleep when she hears his soft voice

- Are you mad at me?

Jisoo quickly raises her head and comes closer to his face, still caressing his hair

- No baby I'm not

- I'm sorry for tonight...he pouts

She softly smiles

- Any, it's alright

And she really wasn't mad at all. She was happy he likes her enough to introduce her to his dear friends and trusts her enough to take care of him

Plus he was super cute and she've always loved looking at him sleep

She smiles at her own reflexion on she feels Tae's hand on her cheek, his eyes wide opened

- What? She says nervously

- You're...I...his voice cracks as Jisoo's heart melts when he continues his words, I love you

She feels warmth in all her body and her chest was hurting but a good pain. She kisses his forehead

- I love you more

He puts her head on his chest and he whispers

- I'm so glad you came to me and told me you loved me, I'm so glad you're allows me to be a better me...

Jisoo says nothing as she feels tears coming up in her eyes but tries to hold on

- Last, I'll remember this tomorrow and I'll tell it to you in the morning, I'm no drunk anymore but I want to slee...

Jisoo slowly moves her head watching her boyfriend sleeping

- I know baby, I know...

She couldn't be happier

So here it is! The cute Vsoo chapter!! Honestly I loved writing it so much I think they're so fluff I want to hug them!!! I hope you liked it...If so please vote and comment it'll mean a lot to me!!!! So next chapter is PRIDE with Yoonie, but what do you to see after this? Let me know!

Love you! xXChaXx

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